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Forums - General Discussion - Help me identify this fallacy (if it is one)

outlawauron replies to claims and evidence with a statement, but doesn't back it up with any evidence whatsoever.  I'm not saying he's wrong - just that this argument style might be a fallacy and I'm going crazy trying to remember the name.


I seem to remember my logic class that this is a fallacy, but I can't remember the name.  Even after looking at this:


Or maybe it's not a fallacy at all.  



outlawauron said:

BengaBenga said:
While we are in a recession, the game industry is experiencing enotmous growth. I think YoY the total revenue is up 20%.

The HD development model is clearly unsustainable. If an average game will only break even at 1 million copies (let alone see a significant ROI) there's something terribly wrong with the industry.

Sure the Assassins Creeds, Gears and GTA's will earn a nice sum of money, but even something like Prince of Persia looks like it's going to make a loss. Despite it will likely end up selling a million.

Most Japanese devs have focused on DS, are increasing their Wii development and are having less HD games. For some reason Western devs are unwilling or unable to shift their focus to Nintendo's consoles.

You grossly overestimate the cost of HD games.




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PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
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