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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 still leads PS3 in Europe region

Well according to this article, 360 leads PS3 in the 5 most important countries in Europe.

"But following a price cut in September, Microsoft's figures have jumped and the platform holder can be confident of holding its lead into the New Year."

Also found this regarding Canada NPD. (from NeoGaf)  Combine both US and Canada, acccording to NPD, 360 enjoy 900k in console sale.  Gear seems to sell well to our friends to the north.

Here is link directly to the article if you don't feel like reading NeoGaf

Since I see several PS3 Defense Force post about PS3 being undertrack and 360 is overtrack.


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Interesting thing about this is that after GFK PS3 and 360 sales are neck and neck in Europe for october and november.So no ,no 360 handily beating PS3 over here vgchartz.As anyone who lives here could say you in the other hand.Maybe UK,but projecting that to whole Europe is just wrong.

That's strange because in France there is a special offer for PS3 (-50€) untill January 2009...

Diomedes1976 said:
Interesting thing about this is that after GFK PS3 and 360 sales are neck and neck in Europe for october and november.So no ,no 360 handily beating PS3 over here vgchartz.As anyone who lives here could say you in the other hand.Maybe UK,but projecting that to whole Europe is just wrong.

links please


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


The OP gave them ,but here you have .

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This should have gone in the Sales discussion forum, right?


It's about 360 sales, so I put it here. If mod want to move it then that's fine.


Read the article. PS3 "was" catching up to the 360 but after price cut (and to some extend the recent economic woes), 360 again enjoy the lead of 1million just in those 5 countries (they make up the majority of sales in Europe).

In anycase this is just to dispel some of the comment regarding how VGChartz is bias etc. I don't recall PS3 fanboys crying foul when PS3 was surging earlier this year.

if that's true then the figures on this site are off by only 400k...x360 undertacking or ps3 overtracking you decide...but in any case congrats VGChartz!

VG chartz total for those five countries is:
x360 - > 6.274M
ps3 - > 5.683M

difference about 590k

2008 year end sales (made in January 2008):

44.2 M 27.1 M 20.8 M

mysticD said:

It's about 360 sales, so I put it here. If mod want to move it then that's fine.


Read the article. PS3 "was" catching up to the 360 but after price cut (and to some extend the recent economic woes), 360 again enjoy the lead of 1million just in those 5 countries (they make up the majority of sales in Europe).

In anycase this is just to dispel some of the comment regarding how VGChartz is bias etc. I don't recall PS3 fanboys crying foul when PS3 was surging earlier this year.


I read the article ,PS3 was catching up but the price cut has stopped that due to sales now being neck and neck for october and november.I suggest you read the article better .

"Xbox 360 currently has a combined lead over PlayStation 3 of around one million lifetime sales across five key European territories - the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy."

That's the first paragraph in the article, surely you would at least read that far.

Nevermind you are banned....