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Forums - Sony Discussion - Square developer sounds off on which is better: 360 or PS3

It is even easier to develope for the NES. Newer tech is harder to develope for because it is NEW. No surprise here.

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From the guy who made Last Remnant that :

(My Impression after several hours of playing it:)

Battlesystem thats flawed - needs work to improve
Horrible loading times, only slightly improved by installing to the HD
A story that to me has far too many hole in it / lack of depth
The fact that if you return to an area again when you're not meant to till later on- they just put an overly powered monster in place to stop you passing through.

And he says the 360 is easy to develop for? Sheesh, I'd hate to see what he made for the PS3

*Saying that, I'm still going to try to finish it....