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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why can the Wii sell the same 3 games forever....?

I'd the say the simplest answer is they're good games and good games sell well.

Everyday I'm hustlin'.


Wii and DS owner.

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Brands can attach to hardware. Similar to how GTA: SA attached to PS2 and Halo 2 to Xbox. Thus it allows them to sell with the hardware for long periods of time.

The Wii sells the same 3 games forever because there is nothing else to buy. The only other releases have been Wii Music(junk) and Animal Crossing(junk).

"If you don't like me, bite me!"

Q: Why can the Wii sell the same 3 games forever....?

A: cause they are Nintendo.

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

DKHustlin said:

I'd the say the simplest answer is they're good games and good games sell well.

Good games sell well in a platform that actually is a good software seller.

good ps3 games don't sell even half of wii games.

You need to have a good game, or at least a popular one  (wii play isn't good, I dont  know about you but...) and a good platform capable of streaming those sales. That's all.


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axumblade said:
madkiller said:

The Wii sells the same 3 games forever because there is nothing else to buy. The only other releases have been Wii Music(junk) and Animal Crossing(junk).

Yet the will both eventually outsell any game that the 360 has to offer.



 LMAO, so Wii Music and Animal Crossing will outsell Gears 2 and Halo 3 huh?

"If you don't like me, bite me!"

madkiller said:

The Wii sells the same 3 games forever because there is nothing else to buy. The only other releases have been Wii Music(junk) and Animal Crossing(junk).

I'm assuming you think DS users have nothing else to buy? The system has been selling the same... 7 games now, for a while. They're all above 10 million, and are still going...

@bugrimmar: Meh, I don't believe it. There's no proof they don't play the games, and Wii Fit is neither new or something really party-friendly. If anything, the "hardcore" only care about new, seeing as how the older games don't hold up too well. Nintendogs is over 3 years old, and people still buy it like crazy.

One_touch_KO said:
DKHustlin said:

I'd the say the simplest answer is they're good games and good games sell well.

Good games sell well in a platform that actually is a good software seller.

good ps3 games don't sell even half of wii games.

You need to have a good game, or at least a popular one  (wii play isn't good, I dont  know about you but...) and a good platform capable of streaming those sales. That's all.


I understand good PS3 games will not sell like good Wii games, but it's unrealistic to expect them to. A game like MGS4 has almost 4 million sales, and thats about 22% of PS3 owners. A game like MKWii sold 11 million, but over the Wii install base, its about 27%.

The numbers are close, and when you factor in the mass appeal of the Wii and MKWii, it's not unreasonable that MK is 5% higher over its install base. Of course PS3 games can't sell like Wii games, because PS3 games have less than half the potential customers of Wii games. It's like if you started working out and were comparing your strength to someone who has been going to the gym for 6 years. It's not a straight comparison. Good PS3 sell well compared to the PS3 install base, with a few exceptions.


Everyday I'm hustlin'.


Wii and DS owner.

axumblade said:
madkiller said:
axumblade said:
madkiller said:

The Wii sells the same 3 games forever because there is nothing else to buy. The only other releases have been Wii Music(junk) and Animal Crossing(junk).

Yet the will both eventually outsell any game that the 360 has to offer.



 LMAO, so Wii Music and Animal Crossing will outsell Gears 2 and Halo 3 huh?

Nintendo games have strong legs.

360 games have weaker legs due to the frontloaded nature of their games.

Gears 2 has already slipped below both games on the chart. There is a chance that they won't pass Halo but there is no reason that either game will not pass Gears 2.

The so-called "legs" that Wii games have is only due to the fact the there have been very few releases at all this year. Once again, there is nothing else to buy. The 360 games compete against a dozen or more games in the same genre at the same time. The Wii games have nothing to compete against at all, especially since there have been virtually no 3rd party games worth buying ever for the Wii.


"If you don't like me, bite me!"

Because those games are the games you think of when you hear the word wii...

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot