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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why can the Wii sell the same 3 games forever....?

I mean i was looking at some adds in my local Sunday newspaper for Chrismas sales and what not and each consles had their own page with a few of there top games atm. 360 had Gears 2 and Fable 2 and Rock Band 2. PS3 had LBP, New Motostorm, and the fact that they can play blu-ray. Then i looked at the wii and it had SSBB, Mario Cart, and Wii Fit... It seems like they have been selling the same 3 games all year i was just wonder how long can they keep this up i mean they are still sellign well its crazy.

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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"It seems like they have been selling the same 3 games all year"

Yeh, stupid Nintendo. They should have stopped selling them a month after release like MS and Sony appear to.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

Those three games are just more appealing to a mass audience. The audience that buys them are for the most part not us. They don't frequent the internet, and wake up at 9 AM to be the first to check the newest IGN reviews. These games are selling off of word of mouth, and that is the kind of killer advertising you can not just pay for. Expect to see at least Mario Kart and Wii Fit sell like this for another 6 months to a year. Maybe longer.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Because it's Wii games.

That's an easy answer. Longer term playability and polished game. See a excellent polished will continue to sell and be played LONG past a majoirty of good games out there.

Take Diablo 2, Star Craft. These games are still played and their gameplay is top notch. These games are over 5 years old now.

Most games on any platform console/pc just don't have that kind of staying power. Escpecially if the quality of the game isn't good enough to last 1 console. Much like Gears of War, God of War, Tomb Raider, Devil May Cry. All great games, but they are all front loaded experiences that just don't last the a console cycle.

It also comes down to design difference. Blizzard & Nintendo games are about experiences you find while most other companies are about experiences they design for you.

So top notch games that have selling power are games where you define self experience and excellent polish. Will continue to sell to the majoirty or mass gaming. That's why the ads in the paper you were looking at are the same. The games are just that well designed that they can keep showing them and get the sales.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

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because wii games cater to the casual market, who could care less about gaming really. the casual market is much much larger than the hardcore market, and they only care about 'something new' and 'something to show off' during parties and whatnot.

so every wii owner will buy those 4 games by default. those games are without equal in satisfying those purposes.

I think what the OP is asking is what is different about Nintendo games or owners that sustains sales of the same title for so long.

One possible answer is there are so many new Wii owners each month that they are not old titles to them. When you add 2 million users in one month it is pretty easy to sustain good numbers for good software. Another possible answer is that there are a high percentage of Wii owners that do not follow game releases closely so they do not hear about titles until they have been out some time. This makes the demand curve is much flatter. A less charitable answer is that they have to market/sell those because no other titles this year have captured the audience.

I think it is a combination of all three personally.

Everstar said:

I mean i was looking at some adds in my local Sunday newspaper for Chrismas sales and what not and each consles had their own page with a few of there top games atm. 360 had Gears 2 and Fable 2 and Rock Band 2. PS3 had LBP, New Motostorm, and the fact that they can play blu-ray. Then i looked at the wii and it had SSBB, Mario Cart, and Wii Fit... It seems like they have been selling the same 3 games all year i was just wonder how long can they keep this up i mean they are still sellign well its crazy.


Look at how long NMSB, Brain Training, Mario Kart DS, Animal Crossing, etc have been selling and  that will answer your question.

Simple, Wii wouldn't be selling like it does if it wasn't because of the casual-4

-Wii Sports
-Wii Play
-Wii Fit
-Mario Kart Wii (this one is not only for casuals, but they love it)

Wii Music was the 1st one to not make an impact...

Because they make games for the mass market, which is infinitely larger than the 'core' gamer who only wants pretties and tough gaming decisions like run down this corridor guns blazing or run back down that hill gunz blazin'!