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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony will do very well in 2009. fact.

There is very little chance for PS3 to do very well next year - it would have to magically start selling minimum of 700k units per month through the whole year.


Because, in the beginning of the generation, there was the mighty Playstation, ruins of once-great nintendo, and ignored Microsoft. They all made plans for the next console:

MS - Our console won't sell as bad as the last console
Nintendo - We're dropping the power race alltogether and will play all on one card.
Sony - We're going to establish our position as the console leaders

Well, every of the companies had their sales expectations, and Sony, seeing as PS2 sales were over 100 million, expected atleast PS2-sale results for PS3.

We all know how that turned out, and what is the current status.

The only fact is that PS3 has sold waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay below expectations so far, and that it simply has to do better in 2009 or Sony would have to come out with a better plan.


Around the Network

I actually believe that the PS3 will outsell the 360 in 09, and lifetime.
This is a hope, yes i admit it....
But more than hope, it is a belief.

PS3 will sell more than 360 LTD, but it may not be before the nextbox launches.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

i agree that a lot does depend on price. and also whether thos games make it out on time. oh and what thecopmetition does. theres a lot of variables

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


ramuji said:
This is a prediction, likely an expectation, but not a fact.
It is a possible outcome, maybe even a probable outcome, yet still not a fact.