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Forums - Sony Discussion - should i get devil may cry 4 on ps3

I know plus its on 360 as well, and that sucks

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

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Am I the only one that thought this game was good? I think you should get a good feel of the game from the demo...if you enjoy that enough to play a few times then I recommend buying it.

I think as soon as something loses exclusivity, you lose the ability to trumpet your console as well - this game as well at GTA IV were met with great critical success but most people on this site don't acknowledge them, or downplay their greatness because of this. I really love the gameplay and artistic style of this series. How many people simply lost interest in Final Fantasy XIII when they found out it wasn't exclusive anymore and all of a sudden say how much better Final Fantasy Versus will be.

stovo said:
I know plus its on 360 as well, and that sucks

I was going to tell you to stop acting like a little kid, but then I saw on your profile that you are one.

@Chrizum Im 16 lol look more carefully next time

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

16 is a kid by this site's standards, sadly.

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Get it!
Tho it was dissapointment for me,true hardcore Dmc fan,its still deserves tha 8 = great.



Take my love, take my land..

Did you like DmC3? Buy it. Otherwise it depends. At first I hated it, some of the movement restrictions are ridiculous, graphics are at best average, the whole setting is beyond weird. It simply is a japanese console game.

On the other hand the fighting mechanic may be complicated but it is very rewarding to be good at it. So in the end I really had fun with it esp. with some of the boss fights. Its an oldschool game where you can die dozens of times on standard difficulty.

I enjoyed it XD

Kyros said:
Did you like DmC3? Buy it. Otherwise it depends. At first I hated it, some of the movement restrictions are ridiculous, graphics are at best average, the whole setting is beyond weird. It simply is a japanese console game.

On the other hand the fighting mechanic may be complicated but it is very rewarding to be good at it. So in the end I really had fun with it esp. with some of the boss fights. Its an oldschool game where you can die dozens of times on standard difficulty.



i have never owned a devil may cry game before and i really like the look of them though

is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow ?




you know that the demo is on psn, right? I tried the demo and was bored to tears.