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Forums - Sony Discussion - should i get devil may cry 4 on ps3

if so why, if not why also please tell me good/bad points about the game

i can get hold of it for £13 is that good ? (please help)


is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow ?




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dmc4 is a shoddy game. it was hastily put together. don't buy it.

1.) graphics look last gen. nothing impressive at all even on a 60 inch hdtv (where you're supposed to see an improvement)

2.) gameplay is a rehash of the old system. nothing new.

3.) camera is clunky. old fashioned fixed point of view makes you unable to see enemies shooting stuff at you, and you just find yourself suddenly on your back.

4.) enemies look and feel the same as they were in the older games. nothing new.

5.) 20 (twenty) minute install to start with. wtf.

6.) the story is incomprehensible. but maybe its just me? i just felt that there was little to no explanation why the hell we're in that big castle in the first place.

the game is dry. not worth the money.

Well if you already bought alot of the Major PS3 exclusives why not , but if you don't own games like Uncharted , MGS4 , Resistance ,Socom then don't touch DMC4.

Get Ninja Gaiden Sigma instead if you haven't played the Xbox version.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Get PC version of it


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You can better get MGS4, Call of Duty 4 (is better then WaW), Resistance 2 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma!

Or even better; Wait for Bayonetta!~

DMC4 really ain't that good!


but i dont want mgs and i have uncharted

is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow ?




themoneyshot said:
but i dont want mgs and i have uncharted


 Then I suggest you wait for Bayonetta. Exactly the same style of game only, it's done by the makers of Okami and Viewtiful Joe and MadWorld... Ex-Capcom. And you play with a chick with glasses.

If you don't wish to wait for that gem, then I guess you already made up your mind! So there's no point in even making this thread then!


I wouldnt recomend it I had it and it was rubbish I was disapointed so traded it

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

It's not a very good game, the graphics are amazing but everything else is sub-par. I can't believe how this game got an 84 on metacritic...