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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Too Human Two? Has it been canned?

@Dodece: They discounted the game price fairly quickly by $20 I believe so I don't think they would have made back that much money on the game. Did they discount it again? Im not sure but its not likely that development was profitable or even close to it.


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Dodece said:
The game most definitely could have used alternate control schemes. Perhaps they should review the concept of tabbing as a viable alternative. I plan to pick up the game on a discount rack sometime next year.


What the game most definitely could use is a different dev tem =(

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Too Human Two should be much cheaper and faster to produce than the original. I bet they still come out with it.

Fix these things and it would be twice as good:

Make camera completely controllable.

Tweak the controls.

Do not have enemies scale to your level.

It's actually kinda fun playin co-op. I agree with jagged, some tweak here and there and it could be a really fun game.

I think the lack of 4 players co-op, crappy loots system and poor upgrade system really drag this game down.

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I doubt there will be a Too Human 2. Silicon Knights had to lay off 25-30 members because Too Human flopped.

Pixel Art can be fun.

SmokedHostage said:
I doubt there will be a Too Human 2. Silicon Knights had to lay off 25-30 members because Too Human flopped.

That was a temporary layoff that comes often after the completion of a big project.  Project size usually swells towards the end of a game and then obviously you don't need those extra people when it's completed. 

I hope the series continues....I really enjoyed the first game.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

I've been playing Last Remnant and Too Human recently.

Last Remnant is a game with a lot of good ideas, but lacks both technical and gameplay polish.

Too Human feels pretty polished, I just think it's built on a lot of bad design choices. I don't really like the game at all, if it was in development for 6 more months it probably wouldn't change my opinion.

JaggedSac said:
Fix these things and it would be twice as good:

Make camera completely controllable.

Tweak the controls.

Do not have enemies scale to your level.


 This + let me skip the death scene

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

Probably not. Silicon Knights has not got their hands full with a project with Sega so even if Too Human 2 were to come out it'd be a while from now. I doubt they'll actually do it though.

Then of course they may be eventually recruited by Nintendo to create a sequel for Eternal Darkness. So the chances of it are slim.