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Forums - Sales Discussion - XBox 360 passes 25 million thread

The X360 has sold 25 million in three years on the market. Good milestone and hopefully XBox 360 reaches 50 million + by end of generation.

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good number, the most important thing, is MS have another revenue stream, from very good software sales and xbox live services

Yup, congratulations are in order for "The Box"

More consoles sold= More potential exclusives and a longer lifespan.

I remember not so long ago, that people here saying that Xbox 360 Would not sell more than 23 million this year and that Ps3 would get around 22.

Well congratz MS, but I really don't think they'll make the 50M

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50M is a stretch, but I think it can do it for LTD if M$ doesn't pull it to allow more room for the next xbox. I think the 360 can sell another 10-12 million console in 2009, which would put it past 35 million heading into 2010....another 10-12 million that year, and maybe a bit more, and you'll be in upper 40's...if they don't pull the console and if they launch the nex xbox in 2011, then it stands a decent chance...if no new xbox until late 2011...then 50 million is possible, and it would behoove M$ to ensure you prove BC for the next xbox.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Great job MS. The 360 is doing awesome!

360 Rules all!

Congrats to the 360. Many people did not think you would make it this far.

The sky is the limit, because M$ has tasted a little bit of success, and will go after the market HARD...with the next console.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder