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Forums - Sales Discussion - 44 pre-owned GTA4s Sitting on a shelf (to the tune of 10 green bottles)

An observation whilst looking in video game shops near me is just how many Pre-owned copies of GTA4 there are around, in one store a row of 44 on Xbox360.

In comparison and admitedly to gloat just a bit....0 Mario Kart Wiis new or preowned anywhere.


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I guess those fellows that took the game back will be red-faced when they have to buy it again for The Lost and the Damned. At least they can get used copies.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

I'm sure there aren't tons of people looking foward to the lost and damned. GTA IV was and is a very overrated games that only some people love compared to the old GTA games... and I doubt anyone will buy a copy just for the download content

I hate gTA4 but the TS made this thread to....gloat about mario kart wii??? Oh lord......

No, it is not overrated. Maybe all the games you like are overrated and that is why they don't deserve Game of the Year. GTA IV takes a very good look at the way that things are in our society, has an incredible soundtrack, much deeper gameplay than most games on the market, and the satire found on the tv station in the game ranks right up there with and might even surpass that to be found on both The Simpsons and South Park and certainly any mainstream theatrical comedy in recent memory.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

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fulcizombie said:
I hate gTA4 but the TS made this thread to....gloat about mario kart wii??? Oh lord......


It's always nice to see something overated and up it's own arse put in it's place...Sony, what's next, any suggestions?

No, believe me, all the games I like aren't overrated, the lot of them are quite underrated. GTA IV did nothing for gaming- it took the same game that we've seen many times, put it in a new world with better graphics and a better control scheme, but made it less fun than any GTA game in the past few years.
GTA IV is a very simple game, with some great parts to it, but some completely average aspects to it- story, soundtrack, etc.
Most games like GTA IV that focus of on something like this usually are far from perfect, they are very SIMPLE. But that's okay, because it's what tons of people want, a really simple game that they can enjoy for a few minutes a day and then turn it off, like with Halo, GoW, etc.

Like I said, it's not a bad thing, because it's what a lot of people like, but just because people like it doesn't mean it deserves the scores that it gets. Sadly, in these days of gaming, the more people that like something the better the score it gets, where the less people that like something, the lower the score it gets. Notice that every game on the 360 that has guns and violence and is a shooter sells pretty damn well, and usually get great scores, while RPGs, platformers, and all the other genres don't get great scores (by most bias sites, such as Gamespot, who everyone knows gets paid off by companies to write good reviews.)

Mass popularity =/= If a game is good
It usually = a really simple, but fun game.

GTA IV did not deserve GoTY

BTFeather55 said:
No, it is not overrated. Maybe all the games you like are overrated and that is why they don't deserve Game of the Year. GTA IV takes a very good look at the way that things are in our society, has an incredible soundtrack, much deeper gameplay than most games on the market, and the satire found on the tv station in the game ranks right up there with and might even surpass that to be found on both The Simpsons and South Park and certainly any mainstream theatrical comedy in recent memory.

If you think being awarded GOTY by a TV channel viewed almost entirely by males between the ages of 18-25 really has any pull in what the real video game world thinks.


BTFeather55 said:
No, it is not overrated. Maybe all the games you like are overrated and that is why they don't deserve Game of the Year. GTA IV takes a very good look at the way that things are in our society, has an incredible soundtrack, much deeper gameplay than most games on the market, and the satire found on the tv station in the game ranks right up there with and might even surpass that to be found on both The Simpsons and South Park and certainly any mainstream theatrical comedy in recent memory.

Okay, so you think?

GTA IV is not overrated. It is better than all NES, Gensis, Master System, SNES, Ps1, Gamecube, Xbox, Ps2, and all other Ps3 and X360 games


I haven't played the game a lot, but it seems like there is pretty much to beat there.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I've seen the same thing at local game stores where I live. The most shocking display was at a Gamestop. They literally has three straight rows of used GTA IV copies. The game is good it's a shame that so many people sold it already. I know it's repetitive and frustrating but it satisfied me and justified my purchase. I can't say the same about another hyped game *cough*MGS4*cough* this year. I feel like I got my monies worth with GTA IV.

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