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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what happened at the vga-award show?

i guess thanks for somewhat defending me twestern. and of course i'm right i am so owned ohh u got me good baby.

onyxmeth and mcpape don't assume that i don't know who schafer is. i believe majority of everyone on this particular website has played monkey island that was some of the best adventure games in pc in early 90's i also liked Legend of Kyrandia, The: Hand of Fate that game was sweet if u like monkey island games.

my beef is with game creators selling out and using actors to be in games and jack black plugging it in the end and pleading with everyone to buy brutal legend was shame and just plain pathetic u don't see shiggy (the greatest game maker in the world he should of been gamer god in spike vga) pandering to actors and making a game starring brittney spears in wii music. why? because he doesn't have to neither should schafer. i think schafer doesn't have to he is better than that and people will buy the game because he created a good game. and plus u want a good game not just some game and starring JACK BLACK. u feel me right. or i could be totally wrong but from what i saw in that 30 - 60 second clip it didn't look good at all. oh here is my card since u think my opinion is worthless, but u can give it back to me when u see sales on this game. this game is going to be like 50 cents game lmao. i mean like as in terrible