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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what happened at the vga-award show?

the title says it all. did i miss something or was it just another pointless award-show. there were rumors about some big announcements. so, what happened?

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Trailers of games were shown, also some new announcements.

You can check all vids of the games at Gametrailers:

be very happy you missed it.

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

gta is goty

i was happy


You honestly thought a spike award show was going to be worth watching to begin with?

They never take gaming serious and turn it into some retarded MTV ish thing...Spike and G4 can eat shit

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it sucked so badly, they tried to please everyone. They didn't even present that many awards, which should be the focus. Jack Black's opening skit with a three way sex scene with a ps3 and 360 was hilarious though.

GTA 4 winning game of the year should summarize everything that should be said about a shitty "awards" show.

Fact: Earthbound is the greatest game ever made

No, you didn't miss anything. It was pure crap.

They decided awards weren't that important at an awards show so they filled it with terrible skits (The mall cop one being the worst), bad musical guests, and "stars" that nobody cared about and had nothing to do with gaming.

The worst was when they would show the crowd after a joke or skit and they would either be bored out of their minds or have this horrified look on their face at the horrible jokes.

With about 20 minutes left in the show they realized they had only given out 5 awards so they gave about 10 out in 2 minutes and then moved to game of the year.

Oh, and Jack Black danced around and was typical Jack Black.

The show was just bad.

it sucked big time 50cents new song sucks the big announcement was jack blacks game and terminator 4 which doesn't look that good man. who in the world is going to buy jack black game i bet u that game is not going to make 200k in sale us that is lifetime sales. those awards thingy is horrible what kind of crappy award is that if i was kojima i would throw that award away.

the AVN gives has a better award ceremony and gives better awards than this joke.

the only thing u missed was megan fox i think thats her name the hot chic in transformer. man oh man it was worth an hour of waste just to see a glimpse of her

Media Molecule was studio of the year. Awesomely unexpected! Yay LittleBigPlanet. Overall not a good show. You know how during the Oscars they have that fast talker going over all the awards that weren't televised, and cram it into a few minutes? That's what they did for about 2/3rds of the awards.

"This is the deep-dish, delicious irony endured by the Nintendo stalwart: to see their platform of choice ascendant, even as their bright God turns his face away."

Tycho Brahe

sungson said:
it sucked big time 50cents new song sucks the big announcement was jack blacks game and terminator 4 which doesn't look that good man. who in the world is going to buy jack black game i bet u that game is not going to make 200k in sale us that is lifetime sales. those awards thingy is horrible what kind of crappy award is that if i was kojima i would throw that award away.

the AVN gives has a better award ceremony and gives better awards than this joke.

the only thing u missed was megan fox i think thats her name the hot chic in transformer. man oh man it was worth an hour of waste just to see a glimpse of her


Well, for one, i probably will buy "Brutal Legend" !

And for your information, the game has been announced more than one year ago and is Tim Schafer's new game (Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, Psychonauts).

The Game is on my most wanted list since late 2007 and i have seen it on other people most wanted also since that time.


Zones : I still don't understand all the love for Blizzard, what was the last game they developed worth playing?