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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So Sony really got it right with Blu Ray

Passenger57 said:
With BD's slow reading speeds, I doubt any next x console will be using it.


 Havent you ever heard about 2X,4X,8X drives ?

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Well I can't offer up another explanation as to why it essentially takes 3 times as long as it's supposed to...

Fumanchu said:
Well I can't offer up another explanation as to why it essentially takes 3 times as long as it's supposed to...

If they were smart they should be able to do it in even less than 8 minutes. Unless they never heard of data compression of course (damn, just zip the file on the disc and decompress it on the fly while installing..).

I am gobsmacked at that installation time. That was either a rush job or a clueless programmer.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Those of you thinking Blu Ray will over take DVD anytime soon obviously didn't live very long in the VHS era.

What Blu Ray offers over DVD is minimal compared to what DVD offered over VHS. Like I said before, DVD felt like a true media format successor while Blu Ray feels like a media format upgrade.

Call me a hater if that helps you sleep at night but I find it rather pathetic to attack my media affinities over the logic itself. It denote a person of weak debate skills.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

You are a hater. Nobody said BD will replace DVD anytime soon. But it will eventually in a few years when the price comes down.

These people defending DVD just like the people was defending VHS.
"Who needs DVD?"
"I ain't gonna replace my huge VHS movie collection"

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Blu-ray isn't as great of an improvement as DVD over VHs, but it's a nice improvement and scratchless. It will take over, just slower.

There isn't much doubt that Blu-Ray can replace DVD. The question is, does it happen before they're priced about the same? The answer seems to be a no.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Viper1 said:
The Next X console doesn't have to have Blu Ray considering there are already several competing mediums that surpass Blu Ray's capacity.

For movie playback, it can retain DVD playback and do just fine. Blu Ray, though doing OK, will never replace DVD completely as its ubiquity is something Blu Ray simply will never match.

Sure Blu Ray beat the HD DVD format (thanks almost entirely to the PS3, but don't crown it a winner just yet. Especially with a global recession bearing down on it.


 Theres a new blu-ray model coming out later with 400GB Overall space, so.... huhhh?

No Blu Ray wasn't worth it. They may have gain some market shares with a new media and may even surpass the DVD market share but in the end, they lost a lot of power with the PlayStation Brand name this generation. It will take a complete overhaul in perception and low cost performance to bring it back. Meanwhile Microsoft Xbox cool points keep going up as the system to have and the Nintendo brand name adoption is seeing no end in sight as a family friendly, low cost, fun system.

I'm just saying...

Edit nevermind