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I don't suppose you have the full trailer? I missed it because I thought it would be shown at the end




edit: nevermind I found it

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

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Ehh, who cares about graphics, its the gameplay I care about. I thought the graphics looked pretty damn good, were people expecting it to look better than Killzone 2?

it looks good enough to me, then again, i am huge god of war fan, i just want a new one

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Basically, if you've looked at the gifs, you've seen the entire trailer already. It was that short.

But here it is on youtube anyway:

i wanted more.but nonetheless im satisfied.

Looks pretty good,(im sure the game isnt close to being done yet)but the gameplay looks as awesome as ever.



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Hyams said:
Also, it looks like VGTilt were 100% spot on.

Remind me to never doubt them again.



It looked okay, nothing special. Uncharted 2 trailer impressed me more somehow.

FilaBrasileiro said:
Hyams said:
Also, it looks like VGTilt were 100% spot on.

Remind me to never doubt them again.



That VG Tilt article is from Dec 8th, and they got these details spot on:

-- The length of the trailer,

-- Kratos fighitng a horde of rotting skeletons,

-- The level being set in a dark, smokey graveyard.

(Ignore the link saying God of War 2: that was a typo.)


well the graphics looks great to me, but the again i am no expert on the matter so... and the gameplay looked really awesome.

it looks so lame