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I thought the trailer was fine, but I'll never judge a game by a short trailer. Who cares as long as the game is anywhere near as good as the first 3.

Also, the graphics were great in the trailer and I've been playing KZ2 for a month. The Gears maps didn't look too good, though...

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Regarding the Gears maps. Does the game really look like that? It looked bad really bad. There are some really amazing Gears screenshots at IGN but if actual gameplay looks like that when you zoom out a bit than Gears is looking much worse than I expected.

people that are worried about GOWIII graphics,,,don't forget that Santa Monica studio(dev team behind GOW) is the studio that helped Guerrilla Games to polish the graphics of KZ2.




vga trailer didint have that WOW as the 1st trailer. im sure gow3 graphics will improve as it gets close to release date just like killzone2. im still buying this game thought :D

Maybe the graphics aren't OMFGWOW, but surely, they are not bad? :-/

I can't understand why people would dismiss these graphics, they are just fine, and it looked like a lot of fun in motion actually.

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On first viewing the GOWIII graphics looked very PS2-ish. On first viewing, it looked like GOWIII was a new PS2 game with slightly enhanced graphics.

On second veiwing at hi-res, the graphics do look better and more akin to PS3 style, but still not brilliant IMHO.

The models are okay and the texture work is pretty blurry in all which maybe gives it a painted look. I reckon this is the first real build of the game i.e a pre-alpha like K2 and we will see enhancements over the course of the next 6-12 months.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

looks awesome, im impressed

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

For the HD version of the Trailer... Everything looks a lot better in this movie

how can anyone in their right mind claim that this doesn't look awesome ?

Check out my game about moles ^

title screen is really nice, professional cinematic title through clouds plus lightning = really fukn awesome

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.