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Forums - Sales Discussion - If Killzone 2 had a worldwide release, how much would it sell?

I predict 2 million if there was a worldwide release date.

Make your prediction.


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It would be good of it sold 1 million first week but I dont think it will manage it.


@Yojimbo, this game is being highly praised by almost every gaming site.


I think it could all from 500k to 1 million.


i would say 800k.

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

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Snake612 said:
@Yojimbo, this game is being highly praised by almost every gaming site.

This is PS3 title you never know with those.



If Killzone 2 Sold on all Consoles...

First Month Sales would be:

360 = 2.1 Million copies

Wii  = 1.7 Million Copies

PS3 = 783,243   Copies


And thats why it will never go multi Platform...  lol


PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o


CoD:WaW sold roughly 700k on PS3 first week, so I think KZ2 will sell somewhere between 500k and 600k

500,000 first week, 3 mill lifetime

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot