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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XIV To Follow Dragon Quest's Lead?

Incase you are unaware, Dragon Quest X was announced for the Nintendo Wii earlier this week at a Dragon Quest press conference. Although Dragon Quest IX being on the Nintendo DS caused a bigger stir, this is still quite a statement of intent for Square Enix.

This move shows that Square Enix obviously believe that they will gain more profit from the next installment being on the Wii as opposed to the DS and it also means that they don't see the Playstation 3, nor the Xbox 360 in the same light as either of the aformentioned consoles.

Dragon Quest is a franchise which has little penetration anywhere outside of the Japan and even though Dragon Question VIII did a respectable job in attempting to change that, its popularity is nowhere near that of Final Fantasy on Western Shores. While this is quite obvious, what isn't so obvious is that Final Fantasy games still ship more copies in Japan than they do in North America or Europe despite having much fewer consoles in the region.

In the case of Final Fantasy XIII, Square Enix were too commited to development for the Playstation 3 to be able to do anything else, and the Xbox 360 has such a small amount of penetration in Japan, that it wasn't worth them porting it. However, the announcement that Final Fantasy XIII will be released everywhere else on the 360, coupled with the announcement of Dragon Quest X on the Wii shows that they certainly aren't afraid to mix things up.

So, what does this mean for the inevitable Final Fantasy XIV? Square Enix usually release 2-3 main Final Fantasy games per console generation, which means that Final Fantasy XIV will most likely hit before we start seeing anything concrete about the Playstation 4, Xbox 720 or Nintendo Wii 2. If Dragon Quest IX is successful on the Nintendo DS, and the Wii's popularity continues to be miles ahead of both the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 it wouldn't be illogical to assume that since they had no problem putting Dragon Quest X on the Wii, they'd certainly have no problem putting Final Fantasy XIV on the Wii too.

Dragon Quest IX incidently comes out in Quarter 1 2009 in Japan, so it will certainly be interesting to see how the sales compare to Dragon Quest VIII, which was on the Playstation 2. If Dragon Quest IX sells less than expected, it could suggest to Square Enix that its primary market aren't willing to accept it being on a less graphically intensive console. This could also be the same for Dragon Quest X, but Final Fantasy XIV might already be in development prior to its release.

There is also the possiblity of it being completely multi-platform, since Crystal Tools is a multi-platform engine. It just depends how much revenue they wish to try and milk from the franchise. This would solve all their problems and it would throw Square Enix's supposed loyalty completely out of the window, as they'd be supporting everyone.

Only time will tell.


True that only time will tell.


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No FFXIV this generation. The development of FFvXIII and FFaXIII, and tons other spinoffs of FFXIII that are high budget has confirmed this. They are substitutes of a 14 and 15. I don't see how people expect square to develop 6 FFXIII titles along with tons of other games, and have time this generation to start on FFXIV. So I'm going to say that one or two of the remaining three FFXIII titles will go to Wii. It basically show the non loyalty thing, without them having to release one game on all platforms.

Which are those 3.


you're late to the show. your answers are here:

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

@TBone They weren't announced yet, but here is a chart released by SE.

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I disagree with you with FF releases. The generation Im confident the only FF you will see is FXIII.

FFXIV will be released next gen by that time Wii will have HD graphics and its quite possible it will go to Nintendos platform. Though I wouldnt be surprised if it goes to M$ or Sony.

The day a XIII title goes to Wii is the day Final Fantasy VII is remade for the PS3.

sc945997, you might want to just link to the article.

I'm in the boat that doubts FFXIV will be released this gen

tabsina said:
I'm in the boat that doubts FFXIV will be released this gen

I'd have to agree with that to, highly doubt they'll ever be a XIV because well i think there bias against it.