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Forums - Sony Discussion - To adress all the recent home hate...

The_vagabond7 said:
Million said:

We all know that behind every product is the intention to make a healthy profit but we're not talking about thar right now.

When I say "purpose" i'm talking about what Sony intends to achieve but not from a financial point of view . The goal for Sony in regards to Home is to have a thriving community , even if Home itself is a piece of shit it won't change the fact that community is the significant factor.

You may be able to get a better experience elsewhere but that's all subjective.

Criticising Home as a product is pretty much a waste of time , what a better pursuit would be to critise Homes ability to attract and facilitiate an online community. The fact that you , others and every gaming outlet in existance don't like Home means absolutley nothing at the end of the day it's the individual who decides she/he wants to be a part of the Home experience and that is the true determining factor in Home's sucess.

So you're saying home may be a peice of shit, but people might still use it? That's not something to brag about. This was the last line in my topic.

I'm sure somebody somewhere will have fun with it, hell a community will actually form. But keep in mind EVERYTHING will form a community if it's free and readily available. That doesn't mean it's not a surrealistic nightmarish postmodern hellscape.

Saying that people will use it even if it sucks is not a very good....anything. The interwebs at large are critisizing it as a piece of crap. If you go online the people using it are almost exlusively dicks that are just yelling "FUCK" while doing the running man to anybody with a female avatar. This is not success, and it's not gearing itself for future success.



No i'm saying even if Home is a piece of shit ( which i'm not saying it is or isn't ) it's irrelevant if people still activley use it . Home is a product and it's success is not dependant on the quality of the product but in how the consumer reacts to it , of course the consumer needs to feel that Home apeals to them (the quality of Home may serve as some incentive).

You seem to think that Home being "good" , "AAA" or "killer app" is all that matters  IT DOESN'T MATTER AS MUCH AS THE PEOPLE ACTUALY USING IT !!!.

Home is made for the community if the community use it then Home is a success . If Home is the best application made since the dawn of time yet it doesn't have an active community then it is an utter faliure.

Saying that people will use it even if it sucks is great ; IMO Wii play "sucks" but it is fit for purpoe THE perfect mass market product.  I'm trying to emphasise the fact that Home is a product and not a piece of art , it doesn't matter if it's distasteful , ugly or scare all that matters is....




If people don't use it then fair enough Home has failed but you seem to be missing the point .

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Oh no, I get the point. You are just giving it a free pass for sucking for no discernable reason. Yes the community matters, but if the application sucks then the community won't be there to support it. You know where the community for HOME is? Right here, and on IGN, and gamespot, and they are all talking about how it sucks. If it sucks, no community will form and it will fail. The nearly unanimous opinion is that is sucks, and if you look online the community is failing. What more do you need to judge it? Oh yes, of course. Time. Lets all just give HOME a hug and wait another year and maybe it will be good.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

The_vagabond7 said:
Yes, we get it. It's not a "game" but it fails even in what it tries to do is the problem. Everything they've done with it has been a terrible idea. From the waiting lines to play simple flash games, to the unnecessary microtransactions (they should've just put out a donation box, that's what the microtransactions are), to the terrible movie theater that only shows old grainy previews that you can't select.

And saying "It's all about the community, and only the community" is dumb. If that's the case then I can take ten minutes to go register a message board somewhere and it will have equal potential to home. It will all be about the community. Sony took years to do that, and made something far worse.

You know what the purpose of home is? The purpose of home is so Sony can go to some company and say "look, we have 15 million people that use HOME (or at least have DLed the application), that's a very sizable captive audience!" and then hope that somebody hands them a sack of money to put a billboard in there somewhere. That is the purpose of home. And it is pathetically transparent.

About microtransactions and advertising - how else do you expect them to make money off of a free application?

And those issues you mentioned with waiting in line and the movie theatre can (and most likely will) be fixed in a small patch. This was never gonna be the best thing ever right off the bat. Just looking at the clothing options you can tell that it's incomplete at this stage.

Let's get something straight people. Potentiality is not an argument for jack. Paint on an artist's pallette is not a masterpiece is a pile of goop. And no one should praise the pile of goop for the possibility of being good someday.

Just because Home MIGHT be good in another year doesn't chance the fact that it's a pile of shit now. If they didn't want the media and the public calling it a piece of shit then they shouldn't have released a peice of shit. Potentiality is not an argument for anything, because it gives a free pass to just about everything.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

By nature Home is something that will constantly improve , potential is a strong argument for Home considering this potential could be realised in a matter of months , weeks even given the time and resources are allocated to Home.

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I've never been a fan of applications like Second Life because I think it's kinda pathetic, but at least the revenue generation for it's users gives people a reason to use it in the first place. All Home does is generate revenue for Sony through microtransactions.

I still think people should get off their computers and socialise in the real world instead. At least Myspace & Facebook are meant for keeping in contact with people you know in the real world. Use a bloody dating site if you want to meet people.

I can't see any purpose to Home other than taking longer to do everything. I mean, why select a menu option when you can walk to the option? Sorry, if there is a point there, but I've completely missed it.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

I think they released it because the delay was already getting laughable.

Still, more haste less speed seems applicable here.

swearitsoul said:
and yet Home fails to impress IGN, what does that tell you, what was it, "boring"?
Home has failed to deliver if this is what the team can produce in 4 years then I have pity for Playstation.


It amuses me that people let IGN speak for them in the gaming community.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

I think the point is that if it's boring and pointless, the community will be small and niche. Even the worst MMOs have a small niche community, does that make them a success?

I find the lack of content to be the real thing stopping me from actually enjoying home. After hanging out in bowling alley for a bit then visiting the cinema, me and my firend literally had nothing else to do and quickly got bored.

I'd much rather chat in Skype while playing Cod:Waw than this. SCEE fails.