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Forums - Sales Discussion - SmokedHostage's straightforward predictions(N heavy)

i really enjoy this predictions, and think all of them but 10 are good.
most people that bought pikmin, will they actually buy it again?
I have the game, and I doubt I'll buy it again. It doesn't offer too much more....

I will buy Mario Tennis tho.

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RolStoppable said:
SmokedHostage said:

3.) The gap between the hardware sales of the Wii and the Playstation Portable will be at least 4 million by the end of 2009 and in the Wii's favor.
At least 20 million. Me thinks you are being a tad pessimistic on the PSP front. It is possible (say Wii sells 31 million and PSP sells 10 million) but to say "at least" is indicating the lowest possible ie you expect it to be more, but in worst case it will be 20 mil.... which is not so.

Definitely one of your better threads.