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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Happy Holidays from MadWorld

Twas a night before DeathWatch, when all through downtown
Not a person was stirring, since being stomped to the ground.
The bodies were hung on the rosebushes with care,
In hopes that more enemies would soon appear.

Jack was nestled all snug in his bed,
While visions of beating hearts danced in his head;
Jack with a sign post, the Bull in a tire wrap,
Impaled and put down for a long winters nap.

When out at the train station there arose such a splatter,
Everyone ran to see what was the matter.
Towards the commotion, they flew like a flash,
A game show was announced, winners paid cash.

The moon in the breast of the newly-fallen blood-stained snow,
Gave the luster of mid-day to environmental weapons below.
When, what to my wondering dark eyes should sit
But a chainsaw, a spiked bat and daggers! OH S#!%


Around the Network

This game loooks absolutely Sick ! Day One purchase for me, 2009 is going to be sweet

Why'd they have to get spike to do the main characters voice acting. That guy is soooo overused.

Okay see the video now.

Is the whole game going to be in black & white? That's kind of crap.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


tuoyo said:
Okay see the video now.

Is the whole game going to be in black & white? That's kind of crap.

If you play the game, you'll see alot of red if you know what I mean.


Pixel Art can be fun.

Around the Network
Kasz216 said:
Why'd they have to get spike to do the main characters voice acting. That guy is soooo overused.


cause Steven Blum is awesome.

This game is awesome and can't wait for it. Second if this or any other big time 3rd party hardcore game does not sell a million, then we have a problem!!!


pimpcoop said:
This game is awesome and can't wait for it. Second if this or any other big time 3rd party hardcore game does not sell a million, then we have a problem!!!


I honestly hope not.

I'm getting kind of annoying that platformers are dying now, and shooters are taking over the gaming world.

ya, there are some sucesses that aren't shooters like Fable 2, and then you even have Little Big Planet, but it took a few weeks to get to 1mil...

I want gaming back to the way it used to be, where all different genres are a great sucess. That's a huge reason I'm looking foward to MadWorld so much

Phoenix_Wiight said:
Kasz216 said:
Why'd they have to get spike to do the main characters voice acting. That guy is soooo overused.


cause Steven Blum is awesome.

Eh... at first.  But then you start hearing him everywhere... and it gets old.

He's done the voice acting in waaaaay to many games to where the character voice really doesn't lend itself to new characters.

Besides the character looks way more like Jet anyway if your going to be using a Cowboy Bebop character.