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Forums - Sony Discussion - Warhawk or Socom:Confrontation

^ alright thanks. $80-$90 doesn't seem worth it. also i'm not interested in endwar.

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Cheers :) I thought it was a crap game too, the gimmick was fun for the first 10 minute... then you realize without the headset this game is so basic that I might as well go play tick-tack-toe

I'm gonna throw my opinion in here-

Socom has the better headset, not really that debatable.
Socom is the better game. (my opinion)

Learning curve: it's hard to say, in warhawk youll get your butt handed to you when you first pick up the game, especially in flight- but the game isn't that hard to figure out, just tough to master. In socom, you can learn by following others around and use more strategies to winning other than whats straightforward. So I'd say socom has a slightly easier learning curve - cause you can learn by example.

Warhawk has almost no visible lag, while in socom it's noticable but rarely ruins the experience.

Warhawk reminds me of battlefield/UT on PC.
Socom is more like counterstrike/rainbowsix online.

The games are very different experiences, (unless you play respawn on socom - Which you shouldn't) One is more Strategy provoking (thus more headset communication - a lot more (SOCOM)) while the other is just all out chaos easy fun (Warhawk) It's not impossible that you may find good people to communicate with on warhawk, it's just a lot less likely.


Socom(from what i hear) has the better headset and the game is pretty good(now)

Warhawk is good,but not too many people online anymore and the headset is pretty good as well.

id go with socom.



Kind of off topic, but I've been wondering, they didn't make SOCOM open mic did they?

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between socom and ghost recon, i recommend ghost recon, trust me its better.


Socom is a hybrid of open mic and push to talk, Push to talk will talk to everyone on your team regardless of their location. while open mic will talk to anyone in your vicinity and it goes through the main speaker including the other team, including dead enemies too ;), it's not bad quality at all either. They've planned a party system that allows open mic to people in your party, but i don't think it's in the game yet. It is a really nice combo, I'm surprised no other game has used it before.


Rob6021 said:
Socom is a hybrid of open mic and push to talk, Push to talk will talk to everyone on your team regardless of their location. while open mic will talk to anyone in your vicinity and it goes through the main speaker including the other team, including dead enemies too ;), it's not bad quality at all either. They've planned a party system that allows open mic to people in your party, but i don't think it's in the game yet. It is a really nice combo, I'm surprised no other game has used it before.

The proximity open mic thing is a bit annoying, but not that bad I guess.  Although in a clan match it seems like it'd be useful when you just need to talk to the person next to you, especially now with 16 on a team (I can't actually remember what S3 did, mostly played 1 and 2).  Are dead people still in a seperate channel from the people still alive?


I think if the person is still on their body view after they die they can hear you talk to the body. Not sure if they can talk back. Dead people have a separate channel for each team, its not like Call of duty 4 where you talk to the other team after you die(on search and destroy). The proximity chat isn't perfect, but I was surprised that it works better than i expected. I really don't like open mic, because you get all kinds of chitchat going on in the background, or if the guys listening to loud music you get that.


There's a Warhawk demo available. It's a pretty fun game, but I'll tell you now if you're a fan of good graphics, keep in mind that Warhawk looks horrible.

PSN: Parasitic_Link