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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony didn't intend PS3 to succeed as a console

VHS lasted from 1979 to 1998

19 years at the top. DVD has lasted 10 already !

It may well have another 5 years as the dominant format possibly more.

I just dont think Blu Ray will be the successor. It has launched right in the middle of the DVD success story.

DVD isnt ready to lay down and die right now. By the time it is better more relevant formats will be available.

Also launching a format in the middle of a worldwide recession is the Dumbest Business move since they changed the Coke flavour in the eighties.

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For those who didn't know:

Philips made (makes) about $1 USD for every 200 CDs printed, at no cost to them (this is a royalty).

I would not be surprised if the number of CDs in the world numbered in the trillions.  I also wouldn't be surprised if the BDA made much more than that, per blu-ray disc printed -- that 1/2 cent per disc, for Philips, was back in the early 80s.

bardicverse said:
I have personal experience with the author of this editorial, and I can tell you that he's a complete Sony fanboy, and has been writing propaganda bits for over 5 years now. Take him as seriously as you would Borat.

I am not surprised as I thought, while reading the article, that it was an argument often put forward by Sony fan, but the last line was the definite facepalm clincher that put him in ultra fanboy territory.

About the article:

Did Sony plan to use the PS3 as a trojan horse for Blu-Ray? Definitely.

Did they deliberately sabotage the PS3's success to do so? Of course not.

Does anybody with more than 2 functioning brain cells think Sony would have preferred to have the current number of PS3+standalone blu-Ray players out there or would they have preferred to have the number of PS3's that would be out there if it was as successful as the PS2+standalone Blu-Ray players?

What sabotaged the PS3 was not a conscious decision on Sony's part but their arrogance to believe that they could cram an expensive blu-Ray player (at launch time) and an expensive new type of CPU and be remotely as successful as the PS2.

Unfortunately for Sony, they were wrong about their customers' willingness to buy at such a high price and so not only have they fallen from grace far more than if a less powerful PS3 had been sold for $300 at launch (or $300-$400 like the 360) as it would then be much more competitive with the Wii thanks to their brandname, but the success of Blu-Ray over HD-DVD was but a pyrrhic victory as it remains a high-end niche product against DVD.

Will it eventually sell more than DVD? Probably, but its price (players and average movie price) by then should be very similar to DVD's so that the high margin sales of early sales will have been cannibalized by the loss laden PS3 and now by the sagging economy, leaving only future sales with little margin to try to profit from.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


I agree with OP, especially now that PS3 momentum is falling and Sony itself is doing poorly.

Yea, right. Sony created a money losing machine that failed to beat PS2, 360 or Wii on purpose.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M

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Zombl337 said:

Yea, right. Sony created a money losing machine that failed to beat PS2, 360 or Wii on purpose.

on purpose? even kids these days are not that gullible to believe this...

Sony has multiple divisions - if one doesnt do well - guess what happens ! 

sunil247 said:
Zombl337 said:

Yea, right. Sony created a money losing machine that failed to beat PS2, 360 or Wii on purpose.

on purpose? even kids these days are not that gullible to believe this...

Sony has multiple divisions - if one doesnt do well - guess what happens ! 


 Is this a trick question?

If one doesn't do well, then they all don't do well. At least if I understand the news correctly.

this article is complete nonsense and another foolish attempt of fanboys to PR their way out of an unsuccessful console.

again, this article is complete nonsense.