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Forums - Sales Discussion - Disgaea 3 outsells ToV in America

Here we are:

Pretty impressive. I think it's a little silly to come to hard conclusions about this, though. There are too many factors that go into it... Unless it continues to sell for much longer, the difference is pretty much insignificant. I still think the 360 JRPG userbase in America is greater or equal to the PS3's there (it would be hard not to, with 2x+ the userbase). In America, I'm confident that no JRPG on HD consoles will come close to Lost Odyssey, until FFXIII comes out.

We'll have to wait until WKC, I guesss.

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Well, both game flopped.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Godot said:
Well, both game flopped.


No body "Seems" to like (J)RPG's anymore, there all switching to western style. *cough* Bioshock/Fallout 3 *cough*

axumblade said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Godot said:
Well, both game flopped.


No body "Seems" to like (J)RPG's anymore, there all switching to western style. *cough* Bioshock/Fallout 3 *cough*

It also seems like he didn't notice that Disgaea is an inexpensive game to make and it is also one of the highest selling games of the franchise. But it's okay because ya know...a flop is a flop, even when it sells better than other flops with larger audiences. e.e

lol, thats true though. -.-


Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Godot said:
Well, both game flopped.

No body "Seems" to like (J)RPG's anymore, there all switching to western style. *cough* Bioshock/Fallout 3 *cough*

I don't think that's the case, JRPG fans are just more split up than they used to be. It doesn't help that the Wii probably has the most out of all three consoles, but devs need to choose between HD or Wii.

Also, while western games have been doing better, it's hard to tell how much of it is from growth. Many of these western franchises were mainly on PC, they're just shifting onto consoles.

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JRPGs don't seem to do so well on the 360. WRPGs do a lot better.

Kenology said:
JRPGs don't seem to do so well on the 360. WRPGs do a lot better.

I wouldn't say that. ToV is one of the lesser selling RPG's on the 360. Blue Dragon, LO, IU, TLR, etc. all sell/sold better.

Disgaea 3 is selling quite well, especially compared to VC which seems less niche.


Xen said:
SnakeEyez said:
Wow, thats big. Reason being because of the obvious greater 360 out there than PS3 (especially in NA) and not to mention that Disgaea 3 is IMO a much more niche game than ToV. Could that be the turn out for FFXIII in NA as well? Doubt it.

This almost proves the argument on where the JRPG fans are... being that they're both 110k... but with Disgaea 3 being more niche and the smaller PS3 userbase...

FF XIII will be the same case.

Where is Starcraft..?


QFT, Quoted for Fu**ing truth Xen, Now , where is Starcraft.

Good for Disgaea 3

c0rd said:

Here we are:

Pretty impressive. I think it's a little silly to come to hard conclusions about this, though. There are too many factors that go into it... Unless it continues to sell for much longer, the difference is pretty much insignificant. I still think the 360 JRPG userbase in America is greater or equal to the PS3's there (it would be hard not to, with 2x+ the userbase). In America, I'm confident that no JRPG on HD consoles will come close to Lost Odyssey, until FFXIII comes out.

We'll have to wait until WKC, I guesss.

I'd like one reason why SO4 wouldn't sell better than LO.  SO is an established series unlike LO.  Also, S-E are publishing the game and will matket the hell out of the game.