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Forums - Sony Discussion - The 'Why I Love My PS3' Thread - no negativity allowed

i have the NA 60g ps3

so i love it b/c i can play ps2 games on it instead of hooking up another system to do it

it has 4usb ports more than any other console and wifi 4 easy internet hookup

it has a low failure rate & free PSN & rumble + motion controls + rechargeable battery built in the controller


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I barely touch my Wii and I refuse to buy a 360 as a form of personal protest against the faulty hardware. I have absolutely loved my PS3 since launch day. There's hardly a day that goes by that it isn't turned on for a movie or game. Hundreds of Blu-ray discs have spun in my PS3 as well as dozens of games. IMO, a large part of the difference in PS3 vs. 360 sales is due to people who own SDTVs. These technologically challenged people can't use the Blu-ray player so they opt for a 360 instead. People at the forefront of technology have chosen the PS3.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

@ dougsdad: You are surely bringing quite some money for sony with dozens of games and hundreds of blu-rays O_O

papflesje said:
@ dougsdad: You are surely bringing quite some money for sony with dozens of games and hundreds of blu-rays O_O


They haven't all been purchases or keepers.  I have bought probably 100-150 Blu-rays, but the rest have been Netflix.  I have bought maybe 20-30 PS3 games since launch and the rest were Gamefly.  Some of the game and movie purchases have been traded in for credit from time to time, but I still have a healthy library of each at home.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

This is a copy of the Wii

So much Sony bashing on the forums these days in regards to PS3. Poor old Uncle Sony. I wonder how hurt he must be by all the bad publicity. Wait Sony is a corporation not a person. Why do people defend a corporation as if it is a hurt friend or family member? People take the console loyalty thing a bit too personally.

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@ numonex: why bash a company then? People attack it, other people defend it.

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Gamerace said:

Sony fans unite!!   There's far too many threads over the last few days with a negative view about all things PS.

Do not be discouraged.  The PS3 is an amazing console with amazing games and awesome features.

Let's take a moment away from all the negativity and discuss what we love about the PS3, what we're looking forward too and our hopes for the future.

Remember - no negativity, there's plenty enough other threads to discuss those items already.


Cool, quiet, blu-ray, lag-free cost-free online gameplay, I like the controller, great exclusives, I'm not poor so I can afford it.


ditto @ Loud_Hot_White_Box

It's a perfect console IMO: nice design, impressive graphics capabilities, nice controller, nice online service (better than xbox live since home's launched IMO), nice games, nice multi media capabilities, it's not made by microsoft, ...

It will probably have kingdom hearts 3.