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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN : Home Impression :(

home has great potential, why does it seem POTENTIAL IS SYNONYMOUS with sony now? LOL. its like killzone 2 has potential, sixxais has potential, little big planet has potential...ect


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I have just deleted Home after downloading it. What is Sony thinking, this is like some old peice of Freeware I downloaded years ago. I can't honestly think way Sony would bring this crap out. I spent 20 mins walking around and people kept saying "hello", I had know idea who they were. I like XBL as you only take to people you have added as friends, I don't want to listen to some 10 years old saying the same thing over and over again. If this was Sonys big hope then I really do think it is over for them as a entertainment company, they really have lost the plot completly.

Zim said:
Yes home is dumb is constructive. Because it lets sony know that the majority of people simply think it was a huge waste of time and money and not to do it again.

Your incessant defence of everything Sony is getting silly DMJ. They are paid to evaluate home, because it's free they should say it's brilliant? No. They are paid to tell people whether an experience is worthwhile or not. While home is free, using it still takes time. They are telling people it is not worth that time you would put into it.

Home is just a bad idea. Remove all the rubbish about accessing videos through it etc etc. 3d interfaces don't work. Instead it should have been something like animal crossing where it is a social space and a game. Not a bad 3d menu interface and a social space.

Oh and it isn't even in the slighest the same as getting free money. Free money would let you do whatever you want with it. Home requires an investment of time. It's more akin to getting a free gift, which is wrapped up so elaborately it takes a week to unwrap, then it's just a pack of chewing gum. Sure it was free but the time spent getting it was wasted.

It's why companies can do things like offer so many free drinks or whatever in contests, because often the process of obtaining the item is so much hassle it outweighs getting the free thing.

Why have Sony decided to make a social space and a menu system in one? Watching movies, buying goods etc are all done much easier through other methods. Why must you wait to play the free games in it? It's clear that home is really a way that they have thought they can have people in menu's for longer and so gain more advertising revenue.

 And how exactly do you no this. There are millions of PS3 Home users, Millions. VGChartz users, many of which haven't even tried Home are not the majority. On my friends list out of 56 people, 46 are constantly on Home and like it. Do you see what I mean, you do not know what the majority favours. 

FishyJoe said:
DMeisterJ said:
FishyJoe said:

You're paying for a license, not for the content. The content is free for the consumer.

Just like you pay for a PS3. The content of Home is free for the consuer.

Well, in America, we pay for the channels we want, and pay for the premuim channels too.  We also pay to rent the set boxes so that we can watch the channels.  Unlike PS3 where you pay for the content you want (i.e.: games), in TV you get tons of content you don't want.  Completely, different.  Use a different analogy.



Not quite, over the air broadcast require no user fees. And it's too bad you don't know what Hulu is, because it's an awesome service.

In Ireland you have to pay a license fee every year once yoy have a telly.






Poor home...sounds like it really wasnt worth the wait

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Home really does have potential... especially if PS3 default interface is replaced by Home...


Imagine this

Game Launch from game rooms
PS Store in Home
Watch movies via the Home theater

Can keep going on... What I am trying to say is with 14 million users online, it does have potential.

reask said:

In Ireland you have to pay a license fee every year once yoy have a telly.



You're paying a license fee. Just like you pay a license fee for the internet.

Since Home uses the internet, technically you're paying for it just like TV.

Christhegamer said:
I have just deleted Home after downloading it. What is Sony thinking, this is like some old peice of Freeware I downloaded years ago. I can't honestly think way Sony would bring this crap out. I spent 20 mins walking around and people kept saying "hello", I had know idea who they were. I like XBL as you only take to people you have added as friends, I don't want to listen to some 10 years old saying the same thing over and over again. If this was Sonys big hope then I really do think it is over for them as a entertainment company, they really have lost the plot completly.

You should look at the bigger picture, this is a bare bones beta and why dont you like talking and meeting new people, its basic social skills. I would advise people to research and have a look at what is coming to Home before deleting it, there's some cool stuff in the works

 You can only talk* to people you have added as friends in PSN if you wish. Home is optional, and is not PSN.

FishyJoe said:

TV is free. So are you not supposed to criticize lousy shows because they don't cost you anything?

Wii Sports is free. Does that mean that people who criticize it are wrong?


Yes. People who criticize the greatest game of this generation are wrong. Dead Wrong. But anyways, I originally thought that Home was going to be the biggest advantage of the PS3, an incredibly accesible and engaging experience. But I hadn't factored in the advertising factor. And that's too bad, because there was just so much potential there.



I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

libellule said:


yes, I agree, that the main question to ask :

how much HOME costed to Sony ???

Probably around the same as your medium range HD game? Then there's the continued costs of maintaining servers, adding new content etc.

If there are enough people dumping money on micro-transactions, they could probably get back the development cost. Then there's advertisement, it all really depends on how many people will be using it on a regular basis.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957