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Forums - Sales Discussion - Top 20 Software Sales NPD

wow it seems this "evergreen" game thing nintendo was talking about didnt only count for games with "wii" in the title.

i think MKDS and rockband can be considerd evergreen now.

hello how are you.

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gears of war rules 360 rules ''7 games more sells'' waoooo

The Wii has more 3rd party titles in the top 20 than PS3 does. Looks like the Wii haters can't use November NPD top 20 in their ubiquitous "Wii can't sell 3rd party software " rants.

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Viper1 said:
The Wii has more 3rd party titles in the top 20 than PS3 does. Looks like the Wii haters can't use November NPD top 20 in their ubiquitous "Wii can't sell 3rd party software " rants.

But the 360 has more than the Wii, and with a lower userbase...

*Gets slapped*




Montana, sure it did. Look what got released. Some very big games with a very big marketing presence but the PS3 with much the same games and marketing presence was beaten by the supposed 3rd party graveyard known as Wii.

I'm just pointing out that the NPD top 10 or 20 usually get tossed into debates as some kind of proof that only the HD consoles can sell 3rd party games and that ammo won't have any validity for November.

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