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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Awesome !!! Final fantasy 13 & Versus 13 Trailer .

OMFG so fucking sexy. VXIII looks to be shaping up beautifully as well!

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I like the characters in FFXIII more. The Versus ones are more detailed, but they don't look as human to me. Examples are the animations(nobody walks like that,well most people don't), and their eyes(their eyes look blank and lifeless). Hopefully the in-game models don't look and move like that. Versus seems like it will be more story focused though, and probably will have the better story. FFXIII will probably have better game play for me(even though we didn't see any) due to it's battle system. One thing though that I'm worried about is that FFXIII looks too much(in setting) like FFXII. You have the rural areas where a lot of the game probably takes place, then you have the large cities and ships. Overall both games looks like they are going to be equal to me.

kungfusqurrel said:
have fun waiting, once 2009 arrives ff13 should be out, time since ff13 debuted at E3 until 2009 3 years, add another 3 more years for versus 2012-2013.

anyway the game should be cool. but the wait is gonna be for a while.



Why? Versus started developement the same time FFXIII did. The only reason why its probably going to take longer is due to  it being a spinoff(an important one, but still a spinoff nevertheless). And at that it will probably release in late 2010 at the latest.

Soriku said:

That was awesome :) Versus one was better! But these games are going to take forever to get out still. For the Western release they stil have to do the 360 port...and localize it (SE takes forever to localize) and I bet Versus will come out after FF XIII. I mean these trailers are great...but these games are just taking WAY too long.

Also, was the entire Versus trailer CGI? More specifically talking about the endingish part where Noxus walks up those stairs and sees Stella. If so, I have a bone to pick with Jo21...

There was no part of any of that that was gameplay

Can I get this videos anywhere else? These are not working for me. Apparenlty won´t let people from Brazil see it.

Bunch of racists

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Damn, I don't know about you guys, But I'm more excited about FF13 Versus, Than FF XIII, That trailer was Epic.. I hope there's a small price drop on the PS3 when these games come out to the US, THIS is the reason why i want a PS3 =)!

@Marciosmg That is FFXIII, Versus should be up soon.

sc94597 said:
@Marciosmg That is FFXIII, Versus should be up soon.

Hey, thanks a lot.

Both games seem very promising but I prefer the japanese modern aproach of Versus. It looks awesome!

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!

FFXIII sure is beautiful, but no gameplay?