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Forums - Sales Discussion - NPD Figures Bring Out the PS3 Hate

I wonder if Sony marketing karma has anything to do with it. ;) Years and years of belittling Nintendo, and now Ninty is leagues above them.

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FishyJoe said:
The business world is merciless. That's the way it is, nothing will change it.


 oh im sure theres ways to change it. just not anything helpful

The GameCube was my fav console of the last gen. Sure I liked the PS2's software library way better. The the GameCube hardware (and controller) was much more pleasing to use.

Its kinda the same way for me this gen. I like using the PS3 the most... but I still think my PS2's software library is the best lol.

In any case, in the "highly improbable" case that Sony is making money on the $400 PS3s (remember they are a brand new hardware revision since august or so, with all 65nm components), I think a lot of these "bad business" articles may look pretty stupid, come the next financial quarter. MS's games division may appear to be bleeding profusely compared to Sony's -- and stockholders buying Sony stock (after recent economic events) is *exactly* what Sony needs right now.

Its no wonder they haven't made any price cuts. If they did -- they would gain marketshare over the holidays, only to have their stock plummet to new lows come next quarter. That would suck for anyone who wants their PS3 to have a decent library someday. Sony has two options right now:

(A) Gain some marketshare in the short-term, and fall off a financial cliff in the near future.
(B) Lose some marketshare in the short-term, be financially stable for the near future, during rough economic times when stockholders are exceptionally "nervous".

They've chosen (B), and I agree completely with that choice.  MS has the same options, really -- except they chose (A), because MS has a stable enough foundation to not be totally screwed by some games division losses next Q.

CNN crushes the PS3 for terrible sales. Calls it a "Sinking Ship".

There's really only one option left for Sony to remain in the game: deep price cuts, and not just for people with good credit. Tell yourself the PS3 has superior graphics if it makes you feel better, but a $400 console with a mediocre game library simply cannot compete against an Xbox 360 priced at $200 in this economy.

Here´s another one:

"Alone among the three major videogame consoles, sales of the PS3 are down about 19% from November 2007, according to the latest stats from the NPD Group. Sony was only able to sell 378,000 PS3s this November, compared to 466,000 last year.

And the problem for Sony isn't the recession, it's the PS3. Microsoft (MSFT) put up respectable numbers with its Xbox 360, selling 836,000 units vs 777,000 in November 2007. And Nintendo's (NTDOY) Wii continues to dominate the market, more than doubling sales from 981,000 to 2.04 million.

So why is the PS3 flopping so badly?

It's the most expensive console on the market, $150 - $200 more than its rivals. Even if you believe the video game industry is "recession-proof" (it isn't), a tanking economy makes consumers more price-conscious.

The PS3's big bonus is its ability to double as a Blu-Ray player. Too bad no one seems to care about hi-def DVDs. The differences between Blu-Ray and DVD are hard to see on a TV less than 50".

The PS3 just doesn't have any must-have titles exclusive to the console. "LittleBigPlanet" has generated decent buzz but isn't a game-changer, and neither is Sony's new virtual world "Home."

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Oh, BigFatJ beat me to it.

JGarret:  I took a different excerpt from you. Interesting.

JGarret said:
Here´s another one:

"Alone among the three major videogame consoles, sales of the PS3 are down about 19% from November 2007, according to the latest stats from the NPD Group. Sony was only able to sell 378,000 PS3s this November, compared to 466,000 last year.

And the problem for Sony isn't the recession, it's the PS3. Microsoft (MSFT) put up respectable numbers with its Xbox 360, selling 836,000 units vs 777,000 in November 2007. And Nintendo's (NTDOY) Wii continues to dominate the market, more than doubling sales from 981,000 to 2.04 million.

So why is the PS3 flopping so badly?

It's the most expensive console on the market, $150 - $200 more than its rivals. Even if you believe the video game industry is "recession-proof" (it isn't), a tanking economy makes consumers more price-conscious.

The PS3's big bonus is its ability to double as a Blu-Ray player. Too bad no one seems to care about hi-def DVDs. The differences between Blu-Ray and DVD are hard to see on a TV less than 50".

The PS3 just doesn't have any must-have titles exclusive to the console. "LittleBigPlanet" has generated decent buzz but isn't a game-changer, and neither is Sony's new virtual world "Home."



As good a game that LBP is it unfortunately doesn't appear to be the "game changer" that they as well as others wanted it to be. The appeal for whatever reason wasn't there...and Home to me doesn't know what it wants to be...Is it a game? Is a Second Life?

...To put it in perspective, Sony is a great prize fighter that just got knocked to the canvas for the first time. He's just trying to do anything he can to prevent that from happening again, WITHOUT knowing whether to block or attack. Sony needs to find their direction.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

The hate is strong with this thread. Even CNN decided to join the lynch mob.

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

dolemit3 said:
The hate is strong with this thread. Even CNN decided to join the lynch mob.

It isn't about hate.

These media companies are observing that the PS3 is doing remarkably poorly and they're asking "why is the PS3 doing so poorly."  Their answers basically are:

(1) The Xbox 360 has better games at a better value


(2) Few people care about BluRay