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Forums - General Discussion - Does anyone remember the real MEGATON?

Wasn't it something about some relatively well known Japanese magazine that reported some kind of game would come to GC (very important one, I believe it was Mario, Sonic and... Megaman? Together. ). Nintendo fans hyped it like insane, and it turned out to be a fake hype (the game didn't exist).

There was a thread about something ala this when M&S at the Olympics was announced. People were claiming it was fake or something.

It's a year ago, and I didn't read a lot in the thread, so everything is kind of blurry now.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Oyvoyvoyv said:

Wasn't it something about some relatively well known Japanese magazine that reported some kind of game would come to GC (very important one, I believe it was Mario, Sonic and... Megaman? Together. ). Nintendo fans hyped it like insane, and it turned out to be a fake hype (the game didn't exist).

There was a thread about something ala this when M&S at the Olympics was announced. People were claiming it was fake or something.

It's a year ago, and I didn't read a lot in the thread, so everything is kind of blurry now.



Ok it took me forever to respond to this because we got hit by that ice storm and 5 days later we just got our power back (which is pretty quick, I expected it to take them 10 days like last time)

Anyways yeah you got what I was talking about. Back in the GC days a japanese magazine claimed it would be making a "Megaton" announcement for the GC in its next issue. This lead to much speculation and excitement by nintendo fanboys, but it ended up being that the "Megaton" announcement was some game that was somehow linked to that magazine.

But during that speculation period pretty much every GC announcement that came people were like "Is this the Megaton?"

So now I notice that every time there is a large videogame related announcement people react with MEGATON!!!!

I thought it was interesting because the original megaton was so long ago I'm pretty sure the younger users of that term wouldn't know its origins.

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