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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft: HOME is old tech, and doesnt touch XBL

FPSrules said:
RolStoppable said:
Well, I am sure most Home users will eventually realize this and graduate to a 360 and Xbox Live. Someday everyone will graduate to the 360, especially Wii owners once they have turned twelve years old.


 this is coming from someone that not only has never tried home, but also doesn't own a PS3 and probability never even touched a ps3 controller. your opinion is just a biased 360 fanboy defense because you don't have Home on 360 and never will because its made by sony

im am sure one day 360 fanboys as dumb as you will grow up and relieze MS even though it has their share of games (which i admit i enjoy), they just wish they were like sony.

I see you've met Rol, the most sracastic person on the forums.

No need to insult him.  He's only kidding.  And even if he wasn't...there's no need to flame. Ever.


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leo-j said:

I wonder how in the world they got into HOME, beacuse the servers have been down since yesterday, and are still out.

The features of home were unlocked in the 1.03 update, though the servers arent up, and Ive been in the Closed beta for a month, funny thing is you couldnt purchase a thing, Id love to know were you got your bull, I mean "Facts" From.


I talked to him Tuesday and he had already been on it.  He was in an earlier beta I guess.  He is completely uninterested in it now though.  I talked to him again today and he said he went on it to show it to someone else.  He didn't tell me what his friend's reaction was, but implied that it wasn't interesting to him at all.  He may have used the word "gay".

I'm not going to justify my statement to you, Leo-J.  You're the one here who is always full of shit.  Your mythical town has had Wiis in stock for two years.  My story is 100% true, and if you don't want to buy it that's your problem not mine.  Liars routinely assume others lie.

A lot of people don't like the idea of home.  I explained it to my girl yesterday and she thought it was stupid.  After reading the reviews of the execution for home, it sounds more like it is intended to be a money making machine than a real social network.  You aren't going to get a cross section of regular people on Home either -- you'll have mostly hardcore gamers and I bet at least 95% of the people on Home will be male (regardless of how their avatars look).

leo-j said:
Oh I see, thats a nice feature, but doesnt little big planet do the same thing for free?

No, because:

a) LBP isn't free, you have to pay 60 bucks for it.

b) XNA offers standalone games, not levels for a game you already have.

XNA launched with the release of NXE, and while the majority of games are probably utter shit, there may be one or two worth paying for.  I believe the prices are at most a couple of dollars.

home might not be the next facebook, but it makes psn better than xbox live, in value at least.
btw, i havent been on xbl since i discovered gears 2's horrible online, im sorry microsoft, but our ride is about to be over.





BHR-3 said:
yeah it may be old tech since the pc games sims and second life and others were out first but it's not old tech for consoles sure the wii was 1st with there creating avatars and such and now MS with there new EX i haven't had any hands on time with either wii's or 360 social network

But 4 this MS guy to say there is a huge gap in the quality of Home when compared to Microsoft's Live is pretty funny considering 360 avatars don't even have nostrils i mean how do they even breath?

but wen it comes down to the true gamer like Cueil said Home is pointless if you just want to play games but that doesn't mean there a huge gap between Home and Ms live EX


 what you said is correct, except for the part about wii being the first to create avatars. nintendo didnt create avatars, they were just the first to use them in online networking.





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deathgod33 said:
BHR-3 said:
yeah it may be old tech since the pc games sims and second life and others were out first but it's not old tech for consoles sure the wii was 1st with there creating avatars and such and now MS with there new EX i haven't had any hands on time with either wii's or 360 social network

But 4 this MS guy to say there is a huge gap in the quality of Home when compared to Microsoft's Live is pretty funny considering 360 avatars don't even have nostrils i mean how do they even breath?

but wen it comes down to the true gamer like Cueil said Home is pointless if you just want to play games but that doesn't mean there a huge gap between Home and Ms live EX


 what you said is correct, except for the part about wii being the first to create avatars. nintendo didnt create avatars, they were just the first to use them in online networking

yeah i quess u said it better

don't u get mixed up with my profile pic i always do with urs there pretty close in color shade


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The_God_of_War said:
"I think we have seen people are willing to pay for the premium experience"-

So XBL is the "premium experience" even though it has less dedicated servers than PSN, a free service. I'm sure plenty of PS3 owners will enjoy the optional addition of Home to their free online service. I'll probably stop paying for Live soon, it's more of a rip off than ever.


Dedicated servers are "old tech".  All they really do is make multiplayer gaming more laggy by requiring everything to go through one more hop.  XBL has no dedicated (game session) servers, it was designed to not need them.  P2P FTW. :)


Dedicated servers also mean when a publisher wants to kill a game they can just shut down the service.  The only games this can happen to on XBL are EA games because EA strongarmed Microsoft into letting them run their own matchmaking servers.  And ... EA has already started shutting down game servers to sell newer games - good luck playing a 2yr old sports game online.

deathgod33 said:


 what you said is correct, except for the part about wii being the first to create avatars. nintendo didnt create avatars, they were just the first to use them in online networking.

True, the concept of avatars is prior to consoles.  You could argue that nearly anything that gets to consoles was done years (or decades) before.  Online gaming, avatars, home, whatever.

There is an inherant difference between the way Nintendo implemented avatars and the way Microsoft/Sony implemented avatars, however.

Nintendo used avatars and avatar creation as a vehicle for getting regular people into games.  It makes them more interested in what they're doing and they have a better understanding of who they are in games.  This opens gaming up to everyone, plus making lookalike Miis and other things is just fun.  Part of the reason it was/is fun is because Nintendo was the first to do it on a home console -- it was sort of novel, especially with their approach.

Microsoft and Sony are using Avatars/home/NXE to drive micro transactions.  Microsoft wants to eventually sell you clothes and other items for your avatars and Sony is taking that two steps further by encouraging you to buy branded items both for your residence as well as for your avatar itself.  They want you to go to the mall and buy virtual clothes (with real money) as a pass time and they want you to buy fancy houses and furniture not to actually use, but to impress other people.

Nintendo's approach became instantly successful and is one of the driving forces behind the Wii's insane sales.  It has pulled non-gamers into games and kept their interest.  Now you've got your Mii for Wii Fit, you've got it for Mario Kart (Mario Kart shows you who is playing with you and where they're from on a globe), as well as a variety of other uses.

Dedicated servers are "old tech".  All they really do is make multiplayer gaming more laggy by requiring everything to go through one more hop.

You are confusing "centralized" servers with "dedicated" servers.  Centralized servers, for example, a random Xbox 360 hosting a Halo 3 game, requires all clients to connect to that server and send the server information.  The server then sends that information to each client.  Centralized servers are, by far, the most popular way for doing large online games like Halo 3 (anything with more than 4 players typically).

Dedicated servers are servers set up professionally with bandwidth dedicated just for hosting your game.  So rather than some random Xbox 360 in some guy's house serving as your server, there is a machine in a data center with professional and fast internet hosting serving the game. 

It is also worth nothing that whichever Xbox is operating as the server has a "host advantage" meaning they have no Internet latency to themselves whereas everyone else has latency to them.  Further, if the host quits during a game you'll find that the game halts and has to select a new host and resynchronize.

Dedicated servers are unquestionably superior to non-dedicated servers.  In both cases, you have the same number of "hops" in the sense that you used the word "hop".

why does ms have to say these things? arent they wining? or maybe they are felling treatened by sony, maybe ms have played all treir carts and all they do is bash sony because they are nervous.

@ leo-j

I don't know, because the ps3 doesn't have it! *facepalm*(a black hole just formed in my logic, don't blame me, I just don't feel like arguing right now, you fill in the blankS.)

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

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