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Forums - Sales Discussion - When Will PS3 Pass 360 in WW sales?

Q1 2011, or never

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Maybe 2010, maybe never? Who can know such things? I just want to see a PS3 entry level price drop first, and then I'll start making predictions. At the rate they are going, by the time they do the price drop, the XBOX Arcade will be $99.00.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Half past never


PS3 sales on last 6 months are down a lot. I see no reason at all that the trend will change other then a HUGE price cut. A $100 price cut will make a bit of difference like it did this year but will eventually die out again like it did this year. From July to September the two consoles were pretty much neck and neck. We are in the 3rd year for PS3 and 4th year for 360, neither of the consoles are new anymore. The only way the PS3 will get it back is if it is on par with the price of the Wii/360. That will never happen because the lower they go the more money they will lose, and they are losing a lot of money hence why they have the lowest shares for 20 years and are having to fire people. Going lower = more people lose their jobs. So thus as i have in my sig the PS3 will not over take the 360 this gen. Even when the 360 was doing poor it was still only 1m sales behind the PS3, that is when Sony should of taken advantage.

It all depends whether Sony wants to be second place or not. They can cut price and lose money (which they can't really afford because the whole company is down), AND hope that PS2 gamers/fanboys haven't moved on to other consoles. They need to sell the console below 300$. Should also have a 200$ version (like the arcade) that strips off the option to watch bluray movies, and save money for the consumer.

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reptile168 said:
It all depends whether Sony wants to be second place or not. They can cut price and lose money (which they can't really afford because the whole company is down), AND hope that PS2 gamers/fanboys haven't moved on to other consoles. They need to sell the console below 300$. Should also have a 200$ version (like the arcade) that strips off the option to watch bluray movies, and save money for the consumer.


They can't, and it wouldn't save them money anyway.  The BD drive is what gives the system its added cost, and it's got to be there for the games.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Remember install base =/= profit

Sony would like both but at this time they will have to settle for one and I would think it is profit they are after.


perpride said:
ymeaga1n said:

Feels like a really stupid time to be making predictions of when PS3 will pass 360 doesn't it?

PS3 will pass 360 in 2007...2008...2009...2010!!


No time better to make such a prediction than when the PS3 is losing by large amounts weekly. There would be no fun in making this prediction if PS3 was in the same position it was in three months ago.

Killerman - Who are the quotes in your sig. from?

My own. They were admittedly a bit wrong. =D I blame X360 price cut. =)


The PS3 will not outsell the 360 weekly until it has a price cut. And that will happen in late 2009 at the earliest. By that time the 360 will have such a big lead that it will never reliquis it.

In other words, never.

360 is looking to go into 2009 with a lead of 8+ millon. At this point, I don't see a drastic enough change happening to the PS3 to consistently surpass the 360 enough to make up that difference. I even believe that the gap has a chance of widening before this gen is out.

I'm going to say never.