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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is there an adult on Vgchartz ?!

Did you just create an account to say we're immature? That sounds terribly mature to me.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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uhh we have many multi console owners on the site..

Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.. Hey! Even the iTouch!

But as stated above, this is a site to do with tracking sales data and some people are very passionate about a particular company because perhaps they grew up with the games from that companies system..

However it is important that there is competition in the market place as it gives us, the gamers, more choice and greater value for money.

If you trying to suggest that everybody here wants other systems to fail then you are dead wrong but if you can't take sales talk and a bit of criticism towards a particular console then perhaps it might be best to avoid the forums..


I'm an adult!


RolStoppable said:
Nintendo being successful is great.

Would you take a bullet for Nintendo?

RolStoppable said:
Nintendo being successful is great.

You know what's also great? Sex.


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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sorry if some persons take my critisism to personnaly, but if i came on vgchartz it's just to see i the game that i love are successfull, I'm a hardgamers, and the most important thig to me it's not the console but the games ( for me Xbox 360 is as good as the PS3 ) and if i want to play Gears of Wars and Uncharted i must buy the two consoles  ( in france XBOX 360 is at 139 euros, 100 dollars if you want, so it's why i've got the two console.

With this explanation, i wish a good days for all of you

Your Fission just got Mailed.

DMeisterJ said:
RolStoppable said:
Nintendo being successful is great.

Would you take a bullet for Nintendo?

I would take a Nuclear bomb for Nintendo.




patrice1970 said:

sorry if some persons take my critisism to personnaly, but if i came on vgchartz it's just to see i the game that i love are successfull, I'm a hardgamers, and the most important thig to me it's not the console but the games ( for me Xbox 360 is as good as the PS3 ) and if i want to play Gears of Wars and Uncharted i must buy the two consoles  ( in france XBOX 360 is at 139 euros, 100 dollars if you want, so it's why i've got the two console.

With this explanation, i wish a good days for all of you

The most important thing to you shouldn't be games, but English class =P


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


do you talk french or Italian ?