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Forums - Sales Discussion - X360 - PS3 gap now 7 million!

If you throw in the dreamcast ones, you have to put in Ps2. That's not a good idea, as it strengthens Sony A LOT.

I'm not saying Sega hasn't made any good games, heck - I prefer many of their 3rd and 4th gen games to Nintendo's (meaning some of their games were the best in the genre).

My point is, Sony matched them, or came darn close to doing so, in the 5th gen. Saying that the only reason Sony won 5th gen was moneyhatting is simply wrong.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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@ seraphic_sixaxis

Sorry buddy , i got caught up in all the " Sega has made more games than sony has had hot dinners" debate lol

Oyvoyvoyv said:

If you throw in the dreamcast ones, you have to put in Ps2. That's not a good idea, as it strengthens Sony A LOT.

I'm not saying Sega hasn't made any good games, heck - I prefer many of their 3rd and 4th gen games to Nintendo's (meaning some of their games were the best in the genre).

My point is, Sony matched them, or came darn close to doing so, in the 5th gen. Saying that the only reason Sony won 5th gen was moneyhatting is simply wrong. 



Bottom line______________ is this.......................

Sega made hundreds of classic games for the megadrive

20+ Classic games for Saturn

And 20+ classic games for the Dreamcast, like my sig says below

Sega 1st party OWNS sony 1st and 2nd party.

RPG said:
Said this once and going to say it again, 360 is half the price and released a year before. NEVER write off the Playstation brand, especially when it is being outsold for a whole 3 months after a huge price cut by the competitor.

Wii has won, PS3 will easily take second place. Trust me on this, as soon as the PS3 gets a price drop and it outsells the 360 it will be "360 is doomed" and all that malarky, it's just a never ending cycle of hate. :(

Gotta ask this, for one strange reason it seems A LOT of people on this forum want the PS3 to die a miserable death. Why?

This is a very dillusional post. PS brand actually means very little now here in UK. Only this morning on BBc Radio 1 with Chris Moyles they were massively bigging up 360 and the Live service asking people for them to send in their Gamertags. And after about 10 mins some guest they had said, "yeah and Resistance 2 on PS3 is pretty good". Moyles and staff reacted " What? PS3, no they're rubbish. Stop talking now Michael"

4 years ago it was PS2 this and PS2 that. Here PS brand means nothing.


Ronster316 said:
@ seraphic_sixaxis

Sorry buddy , i got caught up in all the " Sega has made more games than sony has had hot dinners" debate lol

Heh, its okay to grab your interest all i have to do is say 2 magic words then you'll notice me! :D






Sega Sucks! YAY Now N0tice me!! ^_^ 

J/K :P


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Ronster316 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

If you throw in the dreamcast ones, you have to put in Ps2. That's not a good idea, as it strengthens Sony A LOT.

I'm not saying Sega hasn't made any good games, heck - I prefer many of their 3rd and 4th gen games to Nintendo's (meaning some of their games were the best in the genre).

My point is, Sony matched them, or came darn close to doing so, in the 5th gen. Saying that the only reason Sony won 5th gen was moneyhatting is simply wrong.



Bottom line______________ is this.......................

Sega made hundreds of classic games for the megadrive

20+ Classic games for Saturn

And 20+ classic games for the Dreamcast, like my sig says below

Sega 1st party OWNS sony 1st and 2nd party.


 You do understand that you can't compare 4 generations of games to 2, right? SEGA has made more good games than Sony lifetime, but this discussion is (or at least was untill you put in Dreamcast) about 5th gen, in which you claim Sony stole the HW plans for N64, moneyhatted, and had almost no good 1st party games.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

ps3 is selling the same as ps2 did in this point in its lifetime. ps2 now = 140 million. Do the math.

selnor said:
RPG said:
Said this once and going to say it again, 360 is half the price and released a year before. NEVER write off the Playstation brand, especially when it is being outsold for a whole 3 months after a huge price cut by the competitor.

Wii has won, PS3 will easily take second place. Trust me on this, as soon as the PS3 gets a price drop and it outsells the 360 it will be "360 is doomed" and all that malarky, it's just a never ending cycle of hate. :(

Gotta ask this, for one strange reason it seems A LOT of people on this forum want the PS3 to die a miserable death. Why?

This is a very dillusional post. PS brand actually means very little now here in UK. Only this morning on BBc Radio 1 with Chris Moyles they were massively bigging up 360 and the Live service asking people for them to send in their Gamertags. And after about 10 mins some guest they had said, "yeah and Resistance 2 on PS3 is pretty good". Moyles and staff reacted " What? PS3, no they're rubbish. Stop talking now Michael"

4 years ago it was PS2 this and PS2 that. Here PS brand means nothing.


Right so some dude on BBC Radio liking the 360 means the PS brand is dead? Now THAT is extremely dillusional, my friends all know of the PS brand and dont care for the 360. Maybe it's because I am in an area in London where generally everyone is well off and can buy the best of the best. Of course there are many chavs in the UK so thats where all the 360 sales are coming from. ;)



selnor said:
RPG said:
Said this once and going to say it again, 360 is half the price and released a year before. NEVER write off the Playstation brand, especially when it is being outsold for a whole 3 months after a huge price cut by the competitor.

Wii has won, PS3 will easily take second place. Trust me on this, as soon as the PS3 gets a price drop and it outsells the 360 it will be "360 is doomed" and all that malarky, it's just a never ending cycle of hate. :(

Gotta ask this, for one strange reason it seems A LOT of people on this forum want the PS3 to die a miserable death. Why?

This is a very dillusional post. PS brand actually means very little now here in UK. Only this morning on BBc Radio 1 with Chris Moyles they were massively bigging up 360 and the Live service asking people for them to send in their Gamertags. And after about 10 mins some guest they had said, "yeah and Resistance 2 on PS3 is pretty good". Moyles and staff reacted " What? PS3, no they're rubbish. Stop talking now Michael"

4 years ago it was PS2 this and PS2 that. Here PS brand means nothing.


Funny coming from someone whos bias towards the 360, i wouldnt mind hearing the opinion of someone of a fair status talk about how the PS3 & 360 is doing in the UK, hmm do you know anyone on VG like that sel?


DTG said:
ps3 is selling the same as ps2 did in this point in its lifetime. ps2 now = 140 million. Do the math.


Lets not be silly here, PS3 is doing as well as PS2 but PS2 did not have this monster called the Wii. More sales then 360 is all I predict, Wii sales will engulf both is another easy prediction to make.