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Forums - Sony Discussion - Heavy Rain is Uncanny Valley indeed....

im just wondering when is this game coming out. and when sony is going to talk more about it, they didn't show it at E3 for some reason i dont know why, and im the only person i know who knows about this game

this game needs exposure

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Chrizum said:
People are talking about this game being in the uncanny valley like it's a good thing.

It generally means the game looks so close to reality, but not quite, that it looks terrible.

Heavy Rain -for all its technical marvel- looks terrible.


Exactly this.

Esp. in the trailer where the girl's talking but her lips are not synched up just right, and it actually looks less realistic than if her mouth wasn't moving at all.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption

2nd pic looks like hi res plastic.. aka hi res this gen, and baseline for what we will have next gen

Chrizum said:
People are talking about this game being in the uncanny valley like it's a good thing.

It generally means the game looks so close to reality, but not quite, that it looks terrible.

Heavy Rain -for all its technical marvel- looks terrible.



I`m going to quote this too, uncanny valley == bad look trying to look realistic...

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swing and a miss Cloud. I actually agree with gebx word for word (something I thought would never happen).

I'm just saying I can see that one is computer generated.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Guys if we are going to sing Heavy Rain's praises let's at least use good shots for it.

Enlarge that. The character model is very impressive.