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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did the DQX announcement change your Kingdom Hearts 3 Predictions?

"That was a different situation because the PS2 had the huge majority of the market share."

The first game came out in 2002, well before it was obvious the PS2 would be the other two combined. Try again.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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LordTheNightKnight said:
"That was a different situation because the PS2 had the huge majority of the market share."

The first game came out in 2002, well before it was obvious the PS2 would be the other two combined. Try again.


September 2002:


Hardware in US:


472,766 12,375,301
259,839 9,375,445
155,075 3,268,412
150,266 2,386,058

Hardware in Japan:

197,012 10,298,170
155,184 6,526,174
58,406 1,627,550
43,356 18,837,888
13,286 106,383
10,884 278,524
10,048 31,213,048
3,536 709,361
Total 491,712

That was because the GC and XB has just launched :P

Try again again

scottie said:
That was because the GC and XB has just launched :P

Try again again


No, the numbers speak for themselves.  The Xbox was released a year earlier, too.  Cue Gears of War getting the jump on everyone and selling very well.  Either way, what was I saying earlier...?  Oh yeah, different situation!  Way over 50% market share!

windbane said:


Heh, ok.  Here are some quotes from metacritic:


Such a flawed point of view.


I can pull up review quotes of games like Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess etc etc, going in depths about how fantastic the games look. But I won't, because that'll only be adding credibility to what you're saying.


Your argument basically boils down to "Kingdom Hearts 3 should be built from the ground up exclusively for the PC"


Tell me why KH3 will not be built from the ground up for the PC.



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I wouldn't bother arguing against the PS2 dominance, the system had everything going for it.

Still, with more Japanese support arriving on the Wii, it will easily be the top seller for Japanese games (actually, it already is, by a large margin). Iwata also came out and pretty much said they're going to help advertise DQX (which is basically Japanese games in general) - that can only be a good thing for KH3.

Anyway, I'd like to point out the obvious reason KH does so well in America: Disney characters. KH1 is the best selling console RPG in America to date, and there's simply no other explaination as to how it could outsell everything before it (and so disproportionately compared to other regions). Its exceptional graphics had little to do with its huge success.

vdoesntforgive said:
windbane said:


Heh, ok. Here are some quotes from metacritic:


Such a flawed point of view.

I can pull up review quotes of games like Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess etc etc, going in depths about how fantastic the games look. But I won't, because that'll only be adding credibility to what you're saying.

Your argument basically boils down to "Kingdom Hearts 3 should be built from the ground up exclusively for the PC"

Tell me why KH3 will not be built from the ground up for the PC.


Uh, your bolded statement is not even close.  I said FF has better graphics, and it's not developed on PC.  The controls are better on consoles and there is less piracy (another argument for PS3 since you can't pirate PS3 games yet, as far as I know).  But hey, FF7 was on PC.  It's hard to argue for any game being on PC these days.  See CoD, Gears of War, etc.  Oh, unless you are Blizzard, of course...

c0rd said:

I wouldn't bother arguing against the PS2 dominance, the system had everything going for it.

Still, with more Japanese support arriving on the Wii, it will easily be the top seller for Japanese games (actually, it already is, by a large margin). Iwata also came out and pretty much said they're going to help advertise DQX (which is basically Japanese games in general) - that can only be a good thing for KH3.

Anyway, I'd like to point out the obvious reason KH does so well in America: Disney characters. KH1 is the best selling console RPG in America to date, and there's simply no other explaination as to how it could outsell everything before it (and so disproportionately compared to other regions). Its exceptional graphics had little to do with its huge success.


I appreciate your first sentence.

I wouldn't say that the Wii is dominating Japanese sales, though...PS3/360 are 180,000 the last month and Wii is 220,000.

I agree that the Disney characters explain the sales in America.  So, looking at US sales over the last month, the Wii has sold 4 million non-Sports/Play software, and the 360 and PS3 have sold 4.7 million (so about tied even if you include bundles).  So as far as sales go, it's even.  Graphics isn't my main reason, I just think KH benefits more from better hardware than DQ.

windbane said:


Uh, your bolded statement is not even close.  I said FF has better graphics, and it's not developed on PC.  The controls are better on consoles and there is less piracy (another argument for PS3 since you can't pirate PS3 games yet, as far as I know).  But hey, FF7 was on PC.  It's hard to argue for any game being on PC these days.  See CoD, Gears of War, etc.  Oh, unless you are Blizzard, of course...


Actually, yes. It is hurdy hurr hurr.

But yes, this post right hear makes alot more sense than everything you've been saying up 'til this point.


The reason I asked you why it wasn't going to be a PC game is because I was trying to get to the most important point (which you seemed to dance around): No matter how good the game would look, they'd make less money. Now you could argue putting it on the PS3/360 will get it as close to Pixar like films as possible all you want, the majority of people arguing this will tell you that "we don't really care.", "these consoles haven't proven themselves viable markets for JRPG's." (they will have by the time KH3 is announced, though), "Kingdom Hearts target demographic is elsewhere."


In the end, that's what it comes down to, not how much you believe Nomura want's to put 100,000 polygons in Kairi nose.


I bet the game doesn't even release before the first next gen console is out.


I hope Kingdom hearts 3 is announced for the Wii.