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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Milestones This Week

pakidan101 said:
hey guys wassup, long time no see

anyways, I think everyone forgot one more milestone (unless of course I just didn't see it, which is entirely, and more likely, possible)

Wii's American sales are now bigger than PS3's total the hell did that happen?!

Is that correct?  Wow that's amazing.  Talk about massive victory for the underdog.  I would have been willing to bet at the start of this gen that it would be the other way round.


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tuoyo said:
pakidan101 said:
hey guys wassup, long time no see

anyways, I think everyone forgot one more milestone (unless of course I just didn't see it, which is entirely, and more likely, possible)

Wii's American sales are now bigger than PS3's total the hell did that happen?!

Is that correct?  Wow that's amazing.  Talk about massive victory for the underdog.  I would have been willing to bet at the start of this gen that it would be the other way round.


And any person without mentally diseases would have taken that bet too. :)

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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FishyJoe said:

Wii Fit passes GTAIV 360 + PS3 (actually happened last week)

Mario Kart Wii passes Gran Turismo (PS)

Brain Training crossing 15 million

Wii 40 million

DS 90 Million

It's been a hell of a week! We also get DQX and NPD in the same week!!!

You forgot to add Wii american number's pass PS3 Worlwide numbers


Wii America's       17.98

PS3 World Wide   17.88


And next week is gonna be close for PSP numbers, only 970k behind.  this week 770k dif, black friday was 900k dif.  So most likely not next week but close.

noname2200 said:
scottie said:
After how us gamecube owners got treated??

All joking aside, I'm just happy I can go a generation with only one console. I like my two Playstations, but two consoles creates so much clutter.


I seriously lol'd when I saw that picture... 

Congratulations to Nintendo for creating a monster.


Good job Nintendo, keep up the good work. Now release all of your announced games outside of Japan and I will be perfectly happy.

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"