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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Becoming a Wii60 Owner What Wii Games Should I Get

SSBB and Mario Kart.

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To play with your girlfriend:
- Mario Kart Wii
- any Lego game (star wars, indiana jones, batman).
- Boom Blox
- deBlob
- Ghost Squad, House of the Dead, Umbrella Chronicles (the controls are easy and the games are fun and cheap)
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Some Wiiware or virtual console games

For you:
- Okami
- No More Heroes
- Fire Emblem
- Zack & Wiki
- Metroid Prime 3
- Some Wiiware or virtual console games

Games I have gotten grrls to be enthusiastic about on my Wii:

Zelda: Twilight Princess
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Boom Blox
Animal Crossing
de Blob
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection
Trauma Center: New Blood (great game for co-op!)
Wii Music
Zack & Wiki (solving puzzles is more fun with more brains)

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

omg, what's going on?

"i'm selling my Wii" threads stopped so suddenly and a lot of "i just got a Wii" these days!

: )

Rayman Rabing Rabbits : TV party is the top game you can play with you girlfriend, it's crazy fun and homorous and stuuuupid of course!

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^