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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why are PS3 figures so low this close to Xmas?

The bad economy.

You can get a Wii for $250 or the lowest Xbox 360 for $200 OR you can get a PS3 for $400. People really don't have the extra cash to spend right now and are not going to go out of their way to get a PS3 now when the Wii is legendary and the Xbox 360 seems to have most of the "must have" games this season.

Sony really has dug themselves in a hole and its not one they will likely get out of soon, if ever.


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Two years into the consoles life cycle seems a bit early to be calling doom and gloom, all things considered. We've still got at least 4 or 5 great years ahead. Right now retailers are pushing the 360 because of its price point. It doesn't make sense for the average consumer to buy a PS3.

It's all about the game.

damkira said:

The bad economy.

You can get a Wii for $250 or the lowest Xbox 360 for $200 OR you can get a PS3 for $400. People really don't have the extra cash to spend right now and are not going to go out of their way to get a PS3 now when the Wii is legendary and the Xbox 360 seems to have most of the "must have" games this season.

Sony really has dug themselves in a hole and its not one they will likely get out of soon, if ever.



I don't think it is just the price of the console ... Whether it is fair or not, I think the PS3 has become directly associated with HDTV (even more than the XBox 360) and if people don't have a lot of extra cash they're not going to replace their perfectly good SDTV for a fancy HDTV.

no one cares, wii is dominating and that's a shame in my opinion

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

HappySqurriel said:
damkira said:

The bad economy.

You can get a Wii for $250 or the lowest Xbox 360 for $200 OR you can get a PS3 for $400. People really don't have the extra cash to spend right now and are not going to go out of their way to get a PS3 now when the Wii is legendary and the Xbox 360 seems to have most of the "must have" games this season.

Sony really has dug themselves in a hole and its not one they will likely get out of soon, if ever.



I don't think it is just the price of the console ... Whether it is fair or not, I think the PS3 has become directly associated with HDTV (even more than the XBox 360) and if people don't have a lot of extra cash they're not going to replace their perfectly good SDTV for a fancy HDTV.


I somewhat agree with this.  Consoles are pushed in package deals at most box stores (it is actually how I bought my 360 and ps3) and at almost every retailer 1080p top of the line HDTV's are packaged with a PS3, partially for blu-ray.  720p models are often times pushed with the 360.  So I do agree that your viewpoint represents at least part of the public perception.


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chapset said:
no one cares, wii is dominating and that's a shame in my opinion



It's all about the game.

First of all, let's just make it clear that the PS3 is selling well. I'm sure not as well as SONY would have hoped, and it's still in third. But the important factor here is that consumers still want the PS3 with demand and sales increasing.

A more accurate question here is that why is the PS3 still in third place with weekly seasonal sales? As some have already pointed out: economy and most expensive console which is the short answer. To elaborate, the casuals are driving the market whether you like it or not, and this is becoming more and more true as each newer gen precede the last in a growing market.  Let me define casual and hardcore in context. Casuals are those who see gaming as a legit means of entertainment but it's not in the forefront of their list of entertaining means, willing to spend less resources and efforts to get the most out of gaming. The hardcore not only sees gaming as legit, but it's also one of their defining lifestyles if not THE defining lifestyle. And when possible they are willing to pump the efforts and resources into maximizing their enjoyment out of gaming. And let me also point out that the hardcore overall respects the options of gaming, knowing that there is diversity in gaming so reasonably credit is given when credit is due.

The great thing about the console market is that it's increasing as a mainstream form of entertainment and has come a long way as an electronic babysitter and a geeks paradise. The double edged sword here is that the casuals are not willing to make the investment and effort the hardcore would when needed. This by no means implies that more expensive = hardcore because it doesn't. What this means it that if something is worth it to you, you will do it if and went it's possible. If you are more of a hardcore baseball fan, you'll probably go to more baseball games and spend more money on baseball memorabilia. If you are a casual football fan, probably not as much. So if something appeals to you that ends up relatively inexpensive then still you are getting what you want for less.  And if something appeals to you that's expensive and you can do it, go for it because it's what you want. Better to wisely spend more on something you want than to entirely waste what was spent less on something you don't want.

It's possible to say that a casual gamer can be thoroughly impress with all three consoles and think that all consoles are worth its retail price. But when you have the economy the way it is, it makes you think to cut back on most everything including entertainment which can make the difference between buying a $250 Wii or a $200 - $300 360 over a $400 PS3 because entrainment takes a back seat over frivolous spending.

And Mrstickball please be careful with your constant anti-PS3/SONY trolling ESPECIALLY as a VGC contributor. I do not expect the PS3 to appeal to every consumer. But as a gaming console alone, the PS3 still has its appealing quality exclusive offerings that do make the PS3 worth its purchase. It might not be for you, but please learn to be respectful as a gamer to others.

Yes, the PS3 is in third place, but I'm glad to see all consoles having a greater demand which grows the console market as a whole. I just hope the casuals are not too great to "force" the developers to neglect the hardcore.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Because Sony did all they could in the last few years to ruin their own nimbus that was build up in first two PlayStation eras.
And that is the result.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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oliist said:
Because Sony did all they could in the last few years to ruin their own nimbus that was build up in first two PlayStation eras.
And that is the result.


It's like they got scared of Microsoft and started focusing on the Xbox 360 instead of the PS1 and 2 fan base.  That, and as already stated, Blue Ray was a mistake for the console (though great for the format).

the economy is in the crapper.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)