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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why are PS3 figures so low this close to Xmas?

reask said:
FishyJoe said:
Bad economy and most expensive = lowest sales

Still I just imagined it would be much higher regardless.



Why would you think that?


the2bears - the indie shmup blog
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Infamous said:
leatherhat said:
200 vs 400

Enough said

Except the 360 SKU that's selling the most is the 60gig.

Why are people going to pay more for a PS3 when they can get the same quality multiplats (and better in some cases), a bigger library of games, more game genre variation, netflix, NXE, Live, etc? The economy isn't helping, either. Also, cheaper Blu-Ray players now.

Sony fanbots on this site are so delusional.



no no it's the arcade, m$ confirmed they can't keep up with the arcade sales.

and in america the arcade alone outsell the ps3.

and ps3 its selling better than last year, but no big rise yet due the price.

It's because there isn't enough difference between the library of the 360 and the PS3 to justify the purchase of the more expansive. That's why people wanted Little Big Planet to be huge because it's the game that distinguishes the Ps3 the most from 360.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Simple. Why pay $200 more for less?

If gamers only care about games...Why in God's name would you spend $100-200 more for a system that has a far worse library?

And for the good maths: It's NOT the 'economic crisis'. If that was the case, everything would be down - why is it then, that every other system is up by so much? The crisis is doing nothing. Sony cut their own throats with the pricepoint it's at. No one wants to buy the worst system on the market for the most cash, when the Wii has far more casual appeal, and the X360 is so much cheaper for a better library.

And this trend will continue until Sony drops the price. The X360 will lead the PS3 by 2:1 in sales until Sony cuts the price.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I think more troubling for Sony is that PS2 sales can't pick up the slack this year and the PSP is under performing in the US and Europe.

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mrstickball said:
Simple. Why pay $200 more for less?

If gamers only care about games...Why in God's name would you spend $100-200 more for a system that has a far worse library?

And for the good maths: It's NOT the 'economic crisis'. If that was the case, everything would be down - why is it then, that every other system is up by so much? The crisis is doing nothing. Sony cut their own throats with the pricepoint it's at. No one wants to buy the worst system on the market for the most cash, when the Wii has far more casual appeal, and the X360 is so much cheaper for a better library.

And this trend will continue until Sony drops the price. The X360 will lead the PS3 by 2:1 in sales until Sony cuts the price.


Actually the economy is part of it.  It's too simplistic to assume 'everything' would be down.  What you see in econimic recessions is that where people do want to purchase, they will go with price as the deciding factor.  Also entertainment tends to sell well during recession.  So what we're seeing is a switch of purchasers to 360 due to price (as well as other factors).  This isn't just happening to PS3/360 but in other categories of merchandise as well.  Normally the higher price item loses out as those with the money to afford it decide to spend less and hang onto more money instead.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

its expensive =/
at this point you can get 2 360s for the price of 1 ps3, so..

It's about a parent's perception. This is my take:

A parent walks into a retailer to buy a console, maybe even their kid asked for a PS3. The parent sees the 360 Arcade is half the price and asks the sales person the difference. The sales person explains Blu-ray, hard-drive, 10 year lifespan, etc. The parent asks about the games. The sales person explains that they more or less have the same library, but points out that the 360 comes with kids games bundled with the console saving the parent another $60.

The parent decides to buy a 360 Arcade. The sales person sees s/he lost the upsale to the PS3, but trys again(for the kids sake) to get a better sale. The sales person explains how if the parent has or is looking to get an HDTV soon that they should get the Elite which comes with the HDMI cable, a HDD, and other extras. The parent is either sold on the elite or walks out with the cheap Arcade unit (with the 2 extra games)

Can anyone working at a retailer recount their experiences with game sales this holiday?

Infamous said:
leatherhat said:
Infamous said:
leatherhat said:
200 vs 400

Enough said

Except the 360 SKU that's selling the most is the 60gig.

Why are people going to pay more for a PS3 when they can get the same quality multiplats (and better in some cases), a bigger library of games, more game genre variation, netflix, NXE, Live, etc? The economy isn't helping, either. Also, cheaper Blu-Ray players now.

Sony fanbots on this site are so delusional.



Id point you to the black friday article that mentions that the arcade made up for half of Xbox sales, but Im too busy being a fanbot

Yeah, that's one of my favorite articles to use against fanbots who say "200 vs 400," because it's saying the other half % of 360s sold were 60gigs and Elites, which decimates the 200 vs 400 excuse. But that was Black Friday. Not only do I work at Gamestop (Kings Hwy in Brooklyn,NY if anyone's around and wants to talk about numbers) and get #'s from co-workers, but my local best buy always has 60gigs sold out first, and my friend in Bay Ridge tells me it's the same at his BB/Toys 'R Us.

Maybe Brooklyn doesn't mean much, but it just goes to show that even in poverty (and Bk is big on poverty) people prefer the all-around 60gig. The majority of people who buy arcades, as far as I've seen, seems to be exteme casuals or people getting a gift and no nothing about HD systems. Alot of people don't even care about the harddrive.

One of the other things I see alot, as well (which is real smart actually) are people buying Arcades but then getting a new/used 120gb HDD to go with it.



so wait...of the 100% of sales you acknowledge 50% are arcade...thus 50% is divided among the pro and elite SKU's....and it decimates....whos argument again? SERIOUSLY.

are you really this ignorant. 2 pages ago in this thread the 60gb sku sold way more according to you...then when its 50/50 youre saying the article being used to disprove your non factual gibberish about the 60gb sku "decimates" the arguement?

360 sells twice as much as the PS3, so if half of those sales are arcade, and you just acknowledged it whats your point and or argument now?

Why would people buy an arcade and a hard drive? So thus, my logical, sony fanbot mind, if you will, has to wonder outloud if maybe the $199 price point isnt really capturing potential 60gb sales since if you want a harddrive theres really no point in spending the money on buying one you cant argue with a straight face or any amount of certainty that folks buying the arcade would be buying the pro if it werent available for you follow me?


mrstickball said:
Simple. Why pay $200 more for less?

If gamers only care about games...Why in God's name would you spend $100-200 more for a system that has a far worse library?

And for the good maths: It's NOT the 'economic crisis'. If that was the case, everything would be down - why is it then, that every other system is up by so much? The crisis is doing nothing. Sony cut their own throats with the pricepoint it's at. No one wants to buy the worst system on the market for the most cash, when the Wii has far more casual appeal, and the X360 is so much cheaper for a better library.

And this trend will continue until Sony drops the price. The X360 will lead the PS3 by 2:1 in sales until Sony cuts the price


Trying to imply that the PS3 is "less" or "the worst" is nothing more than you trying to take a cheap shot at the PS3. Which console is better or worse is nothing but opinion, which does nothing to address the thread title. Besides, if the PS3 really is the worst, then the 360 isn't much better as its sales aren't going to be that far ahead of the PS3 after the holidays are over(and may not be ahead at all after the PS3 receives a price cut) and it's still being destroyed by the Wii which will continue for the forseeable future. But you're not going to talk about that, are you?

Things like video games do well in a recession because people want cheap entertainment to take their mind off of the shite state of affairs. When people have less disposable income and/or want to save money during hard times, they're going to go for the cheaper options, which means the higher and highest priced options are going to lose out. If not for the recession, the price difference between the PS3 and 360 wouldn't mean as much, but now that every dollar counts that much more, the price difference is augmented that much more. Anyone(even people like you who like to bash the PS3 on every possible occassion) should be able to see that.









Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3