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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "All 360 RROD" Argument should of been dead a long time ago.

I heard people say that all 360 RROD,When infact its false...


Lets look at it..


By 2006 there were 4 million odd something Xbox 360 launched according to VG Charts..


Now if 36% of those 360 RROD,and 50% is 2 million,that means around 1.4 million 360 RROD,in the time peroid of 1 year,and since that first year MS has take great measure to stop the 360 from RROD'ing,and in August 24, 2007. the falcon was released and late 2008 the famous "Japser" was released.


And it appears that in Feb 14th 2008, 16% of 360 RROD,including launch consoles (which is when my RROD),according to this site.



Xbox 360 failure rate at 16 percent?

Warranty seller SquareTrade, sampling from a pool of over 1,000 claims, says that it's seeing an Xbox 360 failure rate at around 16 percent. Most Xbox 360 owners -- at least the early adopters -- don't just fear the RRoD, they've come to expect it, and compared to projected failure rates of 3% for the Wii and PS3 (a stat Microsoft claimed initially), it's obvious that this continues to be a spendy problem for Microsoft and a headache for its customers. As 1UP points out, the 16% stat might be a little high, since the type of user that would seek out a separate warranty is probably more of a power user, and the majority of problems are heat-related, but whatever the true number is, it'll probably continue to rise in the immediate future as we all CoD4 our gen one 360s to death, and then eventually fall as the 65nm and eventually 45nm Xboxes fill the market.


So yes Xbox 360 is alot more better than the launch ones and have less chance of RROD,and Anyone who had gotten the RROD,got there Xbox 360 fixed for Free and had extra heat sinks added in.


If im wrong please correct me.

Around the Network

who says all 360's Red Ring. I heard it hear first.

Feylic said:
who says all 360's Red Ring. I heard it hear first.

People who hate the system for no reason.

BUT arent there alot of the old xbox 360's out there? they might rrod anytime. My did at launch day, i got a new one a few months later ,but it doesnt have the jasper chip or anything.

masterb8tr said:
BUT arent there alot of the old xbox 360's out there? they might rrod anytime. My did at launch day, i got a new one a few months later ,but it doesnt have the jasper chip or anything.

Indeed,there are alot of old 360 out there,mine lasted a year before it RROD,if you have falcon you should be fine,how ever there not RROD "Proof" as no system is unbreakable,but they have less chance.


Around the Network

Im interested about getting a 360 but RROD has stopped me. I do not want to buy a console which has a high chance of failure. I know newer ones have less chance than older versions of going RROD but I am not willing to jump in just yet.



Imthelegend said:
Im interested about getting a 360 but RROD has stopped me. I do not want to buy a console which has a high chance of failure. I know newer ones have less chance than older versions of going RROD but I am not willing to jump in just yet.

I would be cautious as well,i was cautious about mine when i bought it,of course mine was still an old launch model.


I think that the actual rate failure stays at 19%.
Read about it somewhere. but if it was BS article I don't know.
Althought, I'm yet to hear about a jasper 360 that RRoD'd.
Maybe this time the overheatng issue is fixed :s

Imthelegend said:
Im interested about getting a 360 but RROD has stopped me. I do not want to buy a console which has a high chance of failure. I know newer ones have less chance than older versions of going RROD but I am not willing to jump in just yet.


 same here, I think I will give it another year just to be safe.

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Garnett said:
Imthelegend said:
Im interested about getting a 360 but RROD has stopped me. I do not want to buy a console which has a high chance of failure. I know newer ones have less chance than older versions of going RROD but I am not willing to jump in just yet.

I would be cautious as well,i was cautious about mine when i bought it,of course mine was still an old launch model.


I will jump in. Maybe in the next couple of months. There are just too many good games to ignore it any longer. But I will still be worried over this monster that all 360 owners hate.