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good night we will enjoy the sun for now until you steal it later lol

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

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dirty thief stealing the sun the sun is for all of us to enjoy

In the winter it doesnt help much lol

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

what how dare you insult the sun the sun shall smite you

So when does public home come to the European stores??

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dogsforlife said:
what how dare you insult the sun the sun shall smite you

LOL WHAT ? XD The sun shall smite him ? that's just cruel ! :P


Check out my game about moles ^

Who knows.

An update an hour ago on the EU PS forums said "Still progressing nicely, now on the testing stage. No eta still as I wouldnt want to guess how long it will take for each region to verify its elements are working but we're getting there.", and one at 3: 15 said that neither the Uncharted 2 or Farcry 2 game spaces would be out this week. Neither will the Diesel store and Ligne store.

I mean, with all this next week stuff, why not just come out with home next week. >_>

Well, here's hoping that U.S. home has some content.

okay its december 11 and i still dont have home! Whats wrong here? Someone post on my wall if you know

I need to go turn my on right now.

I'm bored of waiting now, apparently there was a problem during testing (for Europe at least).