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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is the Wii going the Way of the DS

Maybe Wii's becoming a commodity...

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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it's not that, it's just people assume the Wii is first, and now the battle is for second place

the Wii is the top and that's why the discussion has ended

also, where are the lovely threads, i'm selling my Wii?
LoL, all Wii quaility games just came out and they are all seliing! : )

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

tuoyo said:
Zlejedi said:
Maybe becouse for hardcore gamer Wii can just as well be non existing ?

For me whenever i see wii sales numbers i wonder how people can be paying such rediculus price for it and do it in masses.

I'm sure if Wii and PS3 or 360 sales were on a similar level Wii would exist to you and you would comment on its sales.  Even more so if it was selling much less than those consoles.  If it doesn't exist to you it is not because you have no interest in it but rather because PS360 sales are so insignificant next to Wii sales.



That´s so true, if PS3 or360 would be able to compete with Wii saleswise most Sony and Microsoft fanboys would be comparing the three consoles and taking notes,

 now many choose to ignore Wii and pretend like it doesn´t exist. It´s funny how some choose to view the reality sometimes


Grampy said:

I thought it might be a local fluke so I called a friend that works at a Costco a city at the other end of the state and he reported the same thing. I did and there it was. He said his manager was at a recent sales conference where it was being seriously discussed whether sale of the PS justified the floor space. 

This is anedotal evidence and should be taken with a grain of salt since the PS3 still moved 383K consoles last week.  However, as PS2 sales drop off and its floor space is reallocated to the newer consoles the PS3 is going to be on the bottom of the list.  This will hurt Sony's revenue generated by software.

OT: I think the Nintendo's success is amazing and should be commented on.  However, it should have been expected.  Last year they put up crazy numbers that fluctuated wildly since they could not keep up with demand.  This year with the increased production and stockpiles they can show how large demand is for their consoles.

I am shocked by the sales of the X360 and their YOY growth.  Their price cuts immediately boosted sales but no where near the levels seen over the holiday season.


bigjon said:

What I mean is the sales are so freaking high people dont even care about it.

I mean the Wii sells 800-850k on BF Week in NA and 1.3-1.4 million WW and all people want to talk about is the 360's around 800k. Basically is the Wii's success gotten... Stale? I mean the is the way the DS is, people just yawn at the 1.7 mil last week. Or the UK record this week. Is the Wii becoming much the same?


Because the Wii having massive success isn't new.  It happens practically every week.

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Blappo said:
Grampy said:

I thought it might be a local fluke so I called a friend that works at a Costco a city at the other end of the state and he reported the same thing. I did and there it was. He said his manager was at a recent sales conference where it was being seriously discussed whether sale of the PS justified the floor space. 

This is anedotal evidence and should be taken with a grain of salt since the PS3 still moved 383K consoles last week.  However, as PS2 sales drop off and its floor space is reallocated to the newer consoles the PS3 is going to be on the bottom of the list.  This will hurt Sony's revenue generated by software.

OT: I think the Nintendo's success is amazing and should be commented on.  However, it should have been expected.  Last year they put up crazy numbers that fluctuated wildly since they could not keep up with demand.  This year with the increased production and stockpiles they can show how large demand is for their consoles.

I am shocked by the sales of the X360 and their YOY growth.  Their price cuts immediately boosted sales but no where near the levels seen over the holiday season.


I agree its anecdotal but I picked Costco because of its business model. Game stores, BestBuy, Walmart and Target will always have floor space for all consoles whether they are selling well or not. The amount and prominence may change but you'll always be able to walk in and buy a PS3. I've seen similar sales patterns at these places but I know that as long as the PS3 is produced, it will always have a presence.

Costco, Sam's Club and outlets  like that do not carry everything. They carry only items that justify floor space. They know revenue for every square foot of the store and anything that doesn't sell well will not be carried at all. They carry one model washing machine for example. They carry only selected brands of food and cleaning products. They will not feel obligated to maintain a complete selection of consoles. For instance there was no sign of any hardware or software for the PS2 this year. The PS3 could lose its floor space completely. That would hurt.

TheBigFatJ said:
bigjon said:

What I mean is the sales are so freaking high people dont even care about it.

I mean the Wii sells 800-850k on BF Week in NA and 1.3-1.4 million WW and all people want to talk about is the 360's around 800k. Basically is the Wii's success gotten... Stale? I mean the is the way the DS is, people just yawn at the 1.7 mil last week. Or the UK record this week. Is the Wii becoming much the same?


Because the Wii having massive success isn't new.  It happens practically every week.


Yes, if the Wii did not sell as much as expected then it would be big news. Plus it seems to me that the new found greatness of 360 sales is magnified because of the ongoing battle of HD consoles, and how it looks like the 360 maybe pulling away from the PS3.

Xbox360 boom on the arcard unit is yet to prove itself, the desired effect on sales is there I'm sure; however I'm looking at it to see just how large that demographic is.

I just heard a 360 commerical on the radio announcing that 360's are fun and that buying one for yourself is amazing, but that your also getting a system to you can play with friends and family.

They are trying very hard to expand if that station was national.

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dib8rman said:
Xbox360 boom on the arcard unit is yet to prove itself, the desired effect on sales is there I'm sure; however I'm looking at it to see just how large that demographic is.

I just heard a 360 commerical on the radio announcing that 360's are fun and that buying one for yourself is amazing, but that your also getting a system to you can play with friends and family.

They are trying very hard to expand if that station was national.


 I saw a 360 add last night on TV that pushed the family friendly games on it.  I think they feel they won the HD market and are now after the Wii market (as evidenced by the 360 arcade pricing as well).  Sony is becomming an afterthought and they are now aiming at Nintendo.  I would pick up a 360 if it had motion controls similar to the Wii (with Wii motion plus), but they don't so I'm not interested (I simply can't stand playing FPS on a joystick).

coolestguyever said:
radioioRobert said:
DaveD said:
They are probably getting fed up with their high def consoles losing to a "last gen" system

It's because the high def consoles are using "last gen" dinosaur controllers ;)

with that logic, the PC is basically first gen freakin keyboard + mouse technology


How do you figure?  The PS360 controllers are based on technology used by consoles in the 1970's.  So what if there are now more buttons, extra sticks, and a sleek design?  Analogue joysticks are absolutely first gen.