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Forums - Sales Discussion - Post here if you're giving someone a console or games as Christmas gifts

I'm getting my sister "Sing it" for the ps2 lol.

Check out my game about moles ^

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I've also decided that when I find out for sure or not whether my friend is getting a Wii like he wants, I'll get him ToS2.

I'm getting Mario Kart Wii for four of my nieces. I'm also a participant in the Secret Santa event.

Currently playing: Wii Fit / The Sims 3

Try  PrizeRebel , it could make you  rich ! I have  $15.80 USD  so far. I  love  BengaBenga' Most Wante lists.
$                     $  $  $                         

My sister will get a copy of Wii Music (shes into music) or Trauma Center: New Blood (wants to go to Medicine School) , and if i got the money a copy of Neverwinter Nights 2 Expansion Storm Of Zehir (mainly cause i want to play it ha ha)

My nephew will receive his own XBOX 360. My folks got him an Elite Bundle (the Kung Fu Panda and Indiana Jones one).

If I had the money, I would give him more Wii games. He loves it, but the video store fails to bring Wii (or PS3 titles for that matter) titles, so he can't rent the games he wants to play.

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Comrade Tovya said:
mtofu said:
Rainbird said:
Comrade Tovya said:
mtofu said:
^ maybe he's influenced by the system that he sees you using the most.

previously i've gotten different games, handhelds and/or consoles for my brothers.

for the first year we're doing secret santa in the (extended) family. the person i have doesn't have a current gen console but is considering getting the ps3. i might just get a gift card for bestbuy so he can get a bluray movie or game... or put it towards his console purchase.

i'm going to gift myself one game for each system... because that's what christmas is all about.



I gave him my old orginal XBOX, and like all good things, they die.

He is just addicted to the Halo series if you ask me...



As a 7-year old? O_o

yeah, that's pretty hardcore. not that i'm a parent, so if you don't mind me saying that i hope you're reminding him the difference between real life and fantasy... and that real life has consequences. there's just too many crazy stories out there of messed up kids.




Yeah he knows the difference.

Actually, my younger kids are tougher than him, he is actually our big baby.  He's the huggy-kissy-momma's-boy in all reality... he just happens to be real good at video games.

Now my 2 year old, that kid is hardcore, he don't need any FPS! lol

 I concur. I have 3 boys 13, 11 and 7.  My youngest 2 really started playing Halo when we first got our first Xbox when it launched.  They all play Halo (1,2,3), both Gears, and most other mature titles that I purchase. Yet we keep them very well grounded.  This is how my father raised me. He really didnt hide things from me, but he made sure I understodd the real world. So my brothers and sisters are anti-violent, anti-gun, but love a good action movie, huge football fans and very successful.  My kids all do exceptional in school, all honor roll, all compassionate (for kids), all involved in outside activities. My oldest is National Junior Honor Society, high honor roll, still plays little league baseball, was on the sectional champs for Cross Country,  and wastes me in shooters now.  My 11 year old has a 12th grade reading level, all A's, etc.  Even my 7 year old already has a 4th grade reading level for a first grader.

It is about how you raise them and what you teach them From the beginning we have taught them the difference between fantasy and reality and continually reinforce the difference.  They started watching Stars Wars as babies, why shouldnt they play Halo.


Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.