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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What was the hardest Zelda game of all time?

Zelda II the last temple is brutal.

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Zelda II. One of the biggest challenges of this game was making it from the starting point on the overworld, the castle where Zelda is sleeping, to some of the dungeons that were far away from it without dieing and starting at the castle again.

Zelda II, never beat it

Well I haven’t played all the 2D Zeldas so I will pick OoT Master-Qwest

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

I flew threw Zelda 2 like it was nothing. As soon as you got the thing where you can jump on the enemies head it was easy. I think the first Zelda 2nd play through was the hardest. They moved everything around and it was tough to find everything without guides.

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Zelda II was the most difficult. That game was very unforgiving and I don't know many people that were able to complete the entire game. It contained the most difficult level designs with the hardest, IMO, dark link battle.

Zelda II but the second quest in Zelda 1 was harder

Twilight Princess - the controls made it extremely difficult for me to bear playing all the way through. They were fun for the first little while, but I'm like 2 dungeons from finishing the game still and I got it (and got that far) when it first came out. Games like that, especially since there was another non-motion version (gamecube), they really should give you an option of whether you want to use the Wii-Mote or not..Zelda is a game the I believe very strongly should not have those controls.

I know many will disagree, but this is the first and only Zelda I haven't played all the way through (and thoroughly enjoyed), and it's purely because of controls.

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Zelda II for the NES. Anyone who says otherwise is plain and simple wrong.

^^^ THis


And I am proud to say that I finished that game!


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Zelda II and just Zelda II.