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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony slashing jobs, leaving unprofitable businesses

I thought Sony's best move was releasing a higher priced PS3 right before the Christmas season. Marketing genius.

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Cutting their wage bill eh....but why?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

kowenicki said:
PSN costs money and is free.... I'm guessing this wholsale review will mean that changes pretty soon.

Maintenance of home is going to be HUGE...24-7 staff for worldwide support, server support, regular back-up of data, patches...see WoW to gauge cost for operating such a large online space...or better yet, the sims online.


"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

SMcc1887 said:


The measures will Be good for the long term future of the company and will be good as they will help get the company through the Economic Crisis, however minimal the impact may Be


The analysts are saying that 16,000 job cuts won't be enough for Sony and that Sony needs to make a profitable area.  Since games won't be consistently profitable anytime soon, that leaves Sony in a very tough position.

You're suggesting no one could make a profit making games (all ported from/to 360 anyway) for a userbase of 20m??  Who's being short sighted?

No, I'm not.  You are inferring something from my post that was nowhere in the post.

First, if consoles stop selling developers stop making games for them.  Period.  That's what happens.  If devs stop making games, people shift to other consoles and your game sales will fall.

Secondly, the companies who expected the PS3 to get, say, 40 million by the end of the generation who are half way through a game development cycle now would be totally screwed.  Do you disagree with me?

Thirdly, the size of an install base is not the sole determining factor of what kinds of games a platform can support.  There are other considerations such as the cost of development, the current attach ratios, etc. 

If Sony canceled the PS3 it would be absolutely devistating for the future profitability of the entertainment division.  The Playstation brand kept Sony profitable for years and it was their great victory of the 90's.  Now it is their great defeat.

Maintenance of home is going to be HUGE...24-7 staff for worldwide support, server support, regular back-up of data, patches...see WoW to gauge cost for operating such a large online space...or better yet, the sims online.

WoW is a bigger undertaking than PSN by far and it has cost less than 200 million to run since launch.  That's less than 50 million per year.  PSN probably costs less than half that.  The equivalent of putting a $25 price drop on hardware a year earlier than planned.

kowenicki said:
TheBigFatJ said:


WoW is a bigger undertaking than PSN by far and it has cost less than 200 million to run since launch.  That's less than 50 million per year.  PSN probably costs less than half that.  The equivalent of putting a $25 price drop on hardware a year earlier than planned.

how do you know this?



 Was about to ask the same question, particularly when Blizzard's slightly-leaked financial information suggests otherwise. Going by Blizzard's own finances, it was closer to 200 million per year, not 200 million total. 200 Million dollars per year is a sizable chunk of change.">">

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TheBigFatJ said:
SMcc1887 said:


The measures will Be good for the long term future of the company and will be good as they will help get the company through the Economic Crisis, however minimal the impact may Be


The analysts are saying that 16,000 job cuts won't be enough for Sony and that Sony needs to make a profitable area.  Since games won't be consistently profitable anytime soon, that leaves Sony in a very tough position.

You're suggesting no one could make a profit making games (all ported from/to 360 anyway) for a userbase of 20m??  Who's being short sighted?

No, I'm not.  You are inferring something from my post that was nowhere in the post.

First, if consoles stop selling developers stop making games for them.  Period.  That's what happens.  If devs stop making games, people shift to other consoles and your game sales will fall.

It hasn't been done before so it's impossible to say.  Generally when a company stops producing a console they also stop supporting it.  Sony could continue to support PS3 (advertising for games, Home, new games, downloads, developer support, etc.) without continuing to produce new models, or, come out with a BC compatible higher end PS3 which sells for cost+.    Yes it wouldn't sell much but they wouldn't lose on it and they'd become a profitable division again.

However if there's some unwritten law that no developer will ever release a game for a console not in production then that would give Sony one of two choices - continue to bleed with the PS3 or get out of the hardware end of the business and just be a 3rd party developer for 360 (& PS3) and Wii.   As much as I hate to say it, that might be the way to go.  I hope not but if the company as a whole is in trouble then supporting the PS3 for the sake of far off future potential may not be possible.

Secondly, the companies who expected the PS3 to get, say, 40 million by the end of the generation who are half way through a game development cycle now would be totally screwed.  Do you disagree with me?

- Yes.  Aside from maybe Sony themselves, those developers would also be releasing those games on 360.  Any sales lost on PS3 would be gained by 360 so the 3rd parties lose nothing. 

Thirdly, the size of an install base is not the sole determining factor of what kinds of games a platform can support.  There are other considerations such as the cost of development, the current attach ratios, etc. 

It's not like any of that would change.  Accept attach ratio would rise as current owners buy more games.

If Sony canceled the PS3 it would be absolutely devistating for the future profitability of the entertainment division.  The Playstation brand kept Sony profitable for years and it was their great victory of the 90's.  Now it is their great defeat.

Maintenance of home is going to be HUGE...24-7 staff for worldwide support, server support, regular back-up of data, patches...see WoW to gauge cost for operating such a large online space...or better yet, the sims online.

WoW is a bigger undertaking than PSN by far and it has cost less than 200 million to run since launch.  That's less than 50 million per year.  PSN probably costs less than half that.  The equivalent of putting a $25 price drop on hardware a year earlier than planned.




Bodhesatva said:
kowenicki said:
TheBigFatJ said:


WoW is a bigger undertaking than PSN by far and it has cost less than 200 million to run since launch.  That's less than 50 million per year.  PSN probably costs less than half that.  The equivalent of putting a $25 price drop on hardware a year earlier than planned.

how do you know this?



 Was about to ask the same question, particularly when Blizzard's slightly-leaked financial information suggests otherwise. Going by Blizzard's own finances, it was closer to 200 million per year, not 200 million total. 200 Million dollars per year is a sizable chunk of change.

No, he got it's has been reported at around $200 million in maintanance cost, but it probably doesn't include one-tiem charges, like developing hte game and expansion pack.  Still, last time I checked, $200 million over 4 years is a HUGE sum of money, especially when you're barely profitable, and your profits were slashed by 70% last qtr.  is it going to be much much cheaper to operate PSN Home, and all the bells and whisltes, I can't say, but when you're cutting cost...


"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

First I would like to take issue with the statement that the PS3 has lost Sony three billion dollars. This is simply wrong either your misinformed or misinterpreting the data. The PS3 has lost somewhere between five to six billion dollars. Sony has done an enviable job however of playing the shell game. From taking out seven hundred million dollar loans against the console to hiding it behind the profit margins found in the PS2 and the PSP. To even sliding one massive profitable studio from one division to another.

The console was a money pit, is a money pit, and will always be a money pit. This console has bled Sony good, and it will continue to bleed Sony. Even more damnable the BluRay player isn't exactly a dominant economic force. Sony won a war, but has lost so much in doing so it has to taste as bitter as defeat. More to the point the console cannot even sufficiently move Sony's own software. For every success there was a major defeat, and Sony is in the hole as a publisher.

I find it disconcerting how secure some posters feel about the prospects of the PS3 by proclaiming Sony must support this product so that they can have a forth. After all third parties will hold it against them if they discontinue this console. Hello where have you been for the past two years. They already hold Sony in low regard that is why they are blessing Microsoft so damn much. Sony went and did what these third party developers expressly asked them not to do, and all Sony did was give them a dirty look.

Beyond that why the hell would Sony be interested in going a second round next generation. This generation was a blood letting, and next generation they will have two powerful, and emboldened competitors that have cash repositories like Fort Knox. Which is totally ignoring the fact that this economic crisis is going to leave Sony very much crippled. They will not be the company they once were.

There is a saying in life if you can't beat them join them. Well whether you like it or not that is an entirely viable solution for Sony. Software is safer then hardware with its tight margins, and highly competitive nature. There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing it safe. In fact it would keep the number of rivals they have to deal with down. The BluRay player might have been a huge hit had Sony not been competing with Microsoft and Nintendo. Which ensured that the technology could not find its way into either console.

I am not saying the PS3 is going to be discontinued. What I am saying is that it is hardly impervious, invincible, or safe. This console is a drastic drain on Sony, and as time goes by it is less relevant for Sony to continue production. No it is not short sighted it is common sense. Why kill the innocent to protect the guilty. Killing off this particular product alone could make the division extremely healthy, and if they started porting their games to the other consoles they would start to see a lot of positive results. This division would be a glowing white spot were it not for the PS3 sucking up all the profit into its black void.

Don't tell me it is safe, because it sure as hell isn't, and do not tell me it would be a mad move, because you personally would not like it. That is the catch there isn't it a lot of posters just do not care what happens to Sony. They care about what happens to them. Well guess what life isn't fair sometimes your going to lose, and if you cannot afford to lose. Then you probably shouldn't play.

ukeatdabian said:
DirtyP2002 said:

Goodbye Sony Ericsson! This one will end for sure.

and a maybe goodbye to Sony Pictures. This one wasn't that profitable lately. Hancock and James Bond might have helped, but in general, Sony Pictures is struggeling.


But a 1.1 billion USD of costs need to be reduced. Does this show something about a PS3 pricecut? Sony just can't get even deeper in the reds with the PS3.

ya i agree, sony seems game over.

but it maybe good for sony to leave the game industry and forcus on their stronger area.


they made the ps1 and ps2, they are the best in when it comes to gaming! that is their strongest area!






A few comments have been very over dramatic I have to say. Sony and the PS3 wont be dead for alot longer than some think