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Forums - General Discussion - The I hate winter thread

Dogs Rule said:
but do you do any snow/winter activities? such as snowshoeing, ice skating, snowboaring, x-country skiing, playing with a dog, snowball fights, snowman making, Winter is what you make of it. It can either seal you into your house, or open new possibilities.

Sorry for not following the "dear winter" formula



Used to downhill ski. I sometimes play in the snow. But I really hate windburn. And that thing that's been happening to me lately where cold exposure makes my fingers turn white and numb after I've already come back inside ( I think thats Raynaud's Syndrome, so says the internet). I prefer grass, beaches, and warm weather by far.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

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Hey Moongoddess, want to switch homes? Here it's like 11°C, I think it's warm enough :P

*Thows snowball at Moongoddess, then swiftly goes into hiding*

Dear winter..please be harsh this year again. I'd love to see another elfstedentocht, and the canals of Amsterdam to be frozen over. It'd be the first time I would witness the later, and only the second the time the former.

Plus you'd make a lot of people happy about to lose their job...

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


Move to New Orleans. It has all the benefits of the south, plus the added bonus of actually being civilized. It is like 75 F outside right now, and that is colder than most of the week.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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I'd like to see snow like two seasons ago, or even more than that like 1996. But the Puget Sound area doesn't get much snow. Please Winter, be nice to us and give us 3 feet.

Cougarman said:

dear winter

we've been together for years now but its time we see other seasons, it is not you it is me, well actually it is you, i just cant stand you, you are too cold which makes me sick and stay at home most of the time, lets not even talk about the constant rain or the huge amounts of cloths i have to wear to stay warm.


 lol, best letter to Winter.

Winter rules. Beats the hell out of Texas summers.

I don't mid it being cold as long as we have snow on the ground for snow ball fights. I hate Winters with no snow.

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Winter is amazing! It's proof that the earth is lucky enough to have atmosphere :P Many planets out there get constant barrages of sun and acid. We should be so lucky as earth folk to have multiple conditions ^_^

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