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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did sony announce playstation home too early?

sega4life said:

Ok been in the beta for a couple months now, and things have goten better, then bad, and then slightly better..

But I can say this, if they do release it this month:

A) It's going to be a huge patch, that I didn't even test yet.

5) If there is no patch don't get your hopes up because it's just not what people are expecting yet.

G) If they release it this month expect many, many, patches, weekly... heck maybe even daily because they are just rushing it out the door and hoping for the best.



while this is true, if they release all the publisher places in existance and the new RedBull setting it would be a decent starting off since there is a good bit of content available in the stores and the promise of that trophy gallery being implemented is a major bonus.

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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I think it's pretty stupid to release the PS home without the trophy gallery ..

Tremble said:
I think it's pretty stupid to release the PS home without the trophy gallery ..


open beta =/= full release


they are covering themselves like Google is with every piece of software they release. Stick a beta label on it, release it, update fixing and adding features, finish it when statisfied.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ssj12 said:
Tremble said:
I think it's pretty stupid to release the PS home without the trophy gallery ..


open beta =/= full release


they are covering themselves like Google is with every piece of software they release. Stick a beta label on it, release it, update fixing and adding features, finish it when statisfied.


LOL.  Lovely.