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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Midway has 50 days to pay!

Dinomax said:
bardicverse said:
From my understanding, a private investor did a hostile takeover of the company for like $100,000 investment. I might have read that wrong. I wonder if he's got the quid to get the debt gone.


When he did the take over he had to pay 75 million in debt, but it went up to 150 million and now has less than over a month to pay it all despite the company only has 10 million.


Worst take over plan. Ever.

LOL ouch. Yeah, talk about your impulse purchases... Govt Bailout plan for Midway!

Around the Network
megaman79 said:
Firstly why make another Mortal Kombat? Im certain, judging by vids, that SF is kinda retired for now.

Secondly, there has only been like 2 games mentioned in this thread, Let them die. Un original barstards, cmon MK Fatalitys with no blood? lol na


SF is retired? You realize a new SF is coming out in Feb.

It's just that simple.