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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Sackboy still Sony's mascot? Also, why didn LBP sell?

LBP is a great game, and one that when/if I get a PS3, will be an initial buy. But as stated, it released during a time when you had an awesome variety of great games to choose from (R2, L4D, Gears 2, Fall Out 3, Fable 2, Dead Space, ect).

Let's see what type of legs the game has. Mascot........well, like Leo-J said, Sackboy can be any character from the Sony exclusives, which allows him to have great market flexibility.

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jacezo said:
Solid_Raiden said:
I'm thinking it will have good legs. Either way it's the highest rated exclusive on an HD console so it's not like the game sucked. It's actually every bit as good as the hype if not better. But a lot of people think it's casual and won't buy it because lets face it, the PS3 is hardcore not causual.



False, GTA4, sadly


 Do you know what an exclusive is? lol GTA4 is a multiplat. So true. :)

PS3 Trophies



Solid_Raiden said:
jacezo said:
Solid_Raiden said:
I'm thinking it will have good legs. Either way it's the highest rated exclusive on an HD console so it's not like the game sucked. It's actually every bit as good as the hype if not better. But a lot of people think it's casual and won't buy it because lets face it, the PS3 is hardcore not causual.



False, GTA4, sadly


 Do you know what an exclusive is? lol GTA4 is a multiplat. So true. :)

Jacezo, seriously? If 

Batman...WTF? said:
Solid_Raiden said:
jacezo said:
Solid_Raiden said:
I'm thinking it will have good legs. Either way it's the highest rated exclusive on an HD console so it's not like the game sucked. It's actually every bit as good as the hype if not better. But a lot of people think it's casual and won't buy it because lets face it, the PS3 is hardcore not causual.



False, GTA4, sadly


 Do you know what an exclusive is? lol GTA4 is a multiplat. So true. :)

Jacezo, seriously? If 

Whoops didnt see the multiplat, seriously what?


PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E


Consoles owned: Game Cube, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, PS1, PS2, PS3.

My prediction: NATAL WILL NOT help 360 sales. Maybe a 50-100k boost week 1, then a 30-70 k boost week 2, and back to the norm again after 3-5 weeks.

if they don't sony always has Jax and Daxter next year console is still to high in price for casual gamer to buy it for not alot of casual gamers own a ps3 right now 360 is doing damage with 199 price for those potential ps3 buyers


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well i did a test

and casuals will have a laugh at sucking playing it XD.

seriously i put 2 of my friends (girls) and they have a awesome time with it.

one of them is moving and buying a LCD and ask me to bring my PS3 when she moves.

jacezo said:
Batman...WTF? said:
Solid_Raiden said:
jacezo said:
Solid_Raiden said:
I'm thinking it will have good legs. Either way it's the highest rated exclusive on an HD console so it's not like the game sucked. It's actually every bit as good as the hype if not better. But a lot of people think it's casual and won't buy it because lets face it, the PS3 is hardcore not causual.



False, GTA4, sadly


 Do you know what an exclusive is? lol GTA4 is a multiplat. So true. :)

Jacezo, seriously? If 

Whoops didnt see the multiplat, seriously what?


Well, I had something written about If I had emoticon doing blah blah blah... But I found it.

Seeing how the internet pretty much jumped on the ""Wait for Killzone 2!"" bandwagon after LBP failed to live up to the unrealistic expectations.

Move over Sack boy, on to the PSP with you to make way for more burly shooters or something with killing for god's sake.

I think the commercials for the game were awful, at least here in europe. It is a new IP, so they should show the gameplay! Like it is, nobody understands what the game is about and thinks "what the fuck?". You can do such commercials when there is a strong brand behind it, not just like that.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

In my opinion, this game is NOT an expanded market game. It has level creation and level creation is hardcore with a capital H.

How do you draw in new gamers with level creation? Show a dude sitting around making a level? Surely that would be the most boring video game commercial ever. Level creation requires a serious interest in gaming and a willingness to put in at least a couple of hours of work to make a really good level, no matter how easy it is.

In other words, this is a game for a very specific niche, and it shouldn't surprise anyone that it didn't have blockbuster sales.

As for the whole mascot thing, Sony already has a couple of options for mascots (Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank) but for whatever weird reason it doesn't seem to want to commit to any of them. I must admit Sackboy would be the best option yet.